Synthetic membranes are an essential technology for water treatment and purification. Physical models are now also being combined with artificial intelligence, opening up new possibilities for the provision of safe drinking water.
Synthetic membranes are an essential technology for water treatment and purification. Physical models are now also being combined with artificial intelligence, opening up new possibilities for the provision of safe drinking water.
How do you research and recount the global history of theatre? A Reinhart Koselleck project in Munich used unusual sources such as passport applications and passenger lists to trace the international story of an ephemeral art form.
DFG bids goodbye to Peter Strohschneider in Berlin
Organic catalysis: The activation of ubiquitous but unreactive carbon-hydrogen bonds has emerged as an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional techniques of molecular synthesis. This strategy can be used to minimise toxic by-products and develop new functional materials, which may also be beneficial in applications such as polymer synthesis and drug development, among others.
Accomplishments, challenges and the unexpected: Peter Strohschneider looks back at his seven-year term as DFG President
Cultural heritage in the cloud: A multimedia portal is bringing together documents and objects relating to life, home and work in the Rhineland in the 20th century. It's a fascinating example of the possibilities and challenges of digitisation.
Lemurs, macaques and chimpanzees all live in complex societies that influence the health of group members. Close bonds can reduce social stress but they also increase the risk of parasitism and sexually transmitted diseases.
Combining acoustic signal processing with automated learning: Communications engineers are using microphone arrays and deep neural networks to improve speech recognition under difficult conditions. In the long term, these sensor networks could also help to improve digital virtual assistants.