Having served as the spokesperson for the CRC “Ritual Dynamics” for many years, Indologist Axel Michaels is well acquainted with the special characteristics of these groups – including CRC visits as a form of ritual in themselves. An interview
Having served as the spokesperson for the CRC “Ritual Dynamics” for many years, Indologist Axel Michaels is well acquainted with the special characteristics of these groups – including CRC visits as a form of ritual in themselves. An interview
Assumptions and uncertain facts are everywhere, often passed on from one person to another without much thought. Sometimes they bear little relation to a complex reality. This can also be true of CRC funding, in some scientific communities more than others, with often more assumptions than actual facts. The editors invite you to put your knowledge of CRC funding to the test with a fun quiz. Can you tell fact from fiction? You'll find the answers and further information on page 36.
A cardiac catheterization may be a routine procedure, but it is still associated with a degree of risk. Engineers have now developed an assistance system that allows the guide wire to be navigated more easily and accurately thanks to a miniaturised force sensor and that provides haptic feedback to the cardiologist.
DFG Collaborative Research Centres are celebrating their 50th anniversary. How have they stimulated new directions in the German research system, and how will they continue to do so? A look back at the future
50 years of Collaborative Research Centres – a special celebration for a unique success story
DFG to honour 10 researchers with Germany's most important research award
„Unserdeutsch”, a creole spoken in a former German South Pacific colony, and what is now Papua New Guinea, is being extensively documented and studied by linguists for the first time. There is no time to lose, because after a chequered history the world's only German-based creole – long ignored – is facing extinction.