Pollen morphology of 21 taxa belonging to 16 genera of the subfamilies: Ajugoideae, Scutellarioideae, Nepetoideae and Lamioideae from Mongolia were studied using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Pollen morphology in the family Lamiaceae pollen showed considerable variation in size (very small, small, medium to big), shape (prolate-spheroidal, subprolate to prolate) and exine ornamentation (tricolpate and hexacolpate; tuberculate, microreticulate, bireticulate or polish). Our study suggests pollen characters could be a useful tool to differentiate varies between genera in the family Lamiaceae. The tricolpate pollen were found in the genera belonging to subfamilies Ajugoideae, Scutellarioideae, Lamioideae, whereas, hexacolpate pollen were found in genera belonging to the subfamily Nepetoideae.
As a result of survey on the Lepidoptera Yeongsil area Mt. Hallasan National Park, Jeju Island, Totally of 292 species in 22 familes of the Lepidoptera were identified and listed. Among them, eleven species are newly added to the Lepidoptera fauna of Jeju Island; Apotomis vaccini Kuznetsov, 1969, Olethreutes transversana (Christoph, 1881) and Pandemis heparana (Dennis et Schiffermuller, 1775) of Tortricidae, Calamotropha okanoi Bleszyski, 1961, Hypsopygia kawabei Yamanaka, 1965 and Pempelia ellenella (Roesler, 1975) of Pyralididae, Tethea consimilis (Warren, 1912) of Thyatirida, Dysstroma citrata (Linnaeus, 1761) and Pseudepione marginaria (Wilemann, 1911) of Geometridae, Hypena stygiana Butler, 1878 and Xestia tabida (Butler, 1878) of Noctuidae. These results may reflect that the natural environment of Yeongsil area is relatively specific on this island and well conserved.
Appearance of carrion beetles by altitudes for 3 months from July to September 2011 was investigated in Dongyeopryeong course of Deogyusan National Park, Jeollabuk-do. The vegetation of the survey sites consist of four types, deciduous forest, mixed forest of deciduous and sasa types, and bushes. A total of 1,084 individuals in 6 species of carrion beetles by using bait traps were investigated and among them, Nicrophorus quadripunctatus was the most dominant species with 947 (87.36%). As a result of this survey, Nicrophorus quadripunctatus was appeared in all the altitudes but an alpine species, Silpha perforata was not appeared under 1,300 m altitude. Unlike Silpha perforata, no or few Calosilpha brunneicollis, Nicrophorus maculifrons, Nicrophorus concolor and Ptomascopus morio were appeared over 1,000 m. The analysis of vegetation preference by altitudes of survey areas shows no relevance between carrion beetles and vegetation except Silpha perforate which was appeared only in the bushes over 1,300m, but the more detail researches are required for preference of vegetation type.
The flora of Aphaedo (Is.), Bigeumdo (Is.), Dochodo (Is.) of Shinan-gun, Jeollanam-do was studied over 2 sessions, with the 1st session conducted between May and June of 2011 and the 2nd session conducted between August and September of 2011. A total of 706 taxa belonging to 128 families, 419 genus, 621 species, 2 subspecies, 71 varieties and 12 forms, were observed. Among those observed, 379 taxa of 89 families were observed in Aphaedo (Is.), 459 taxa of 107 families were observed in Bigeumdo (Is.), and 382 taxa of 101 families were observed in Dochodo (Is.). A total of 6 taxa of plants unique to Korea, including Clematis brachyura Maxim. and Hepatica insularis Nakai were observed. In terms of rare plants as designated by the Forest Service, there were 2 critically endangered species (CR), including Salomonia oblongifolia DC. and Sarcanthus scolopendrifolius Makino, 4 endangered species (EN), including Ophioglossum vulgatum L. and Drosera peltata var. nipponica (Masam.) Ohwi and 13 vulnerable species (VU), including Pyrrosia hastata (Thunb. ex Houtt.) Ching and Euryale ferox Salisb., for a total of 34 taxa. There is an urgent need to protect these taxa, because they are located in areas of high risk of approach by men. In terms of ecologically significant species as designated by the Ministry of Environment, a total of 12 class-V taxa, including Albizia kalkora (Roxb.) Prain and Utricularia vulgaris var. japonica (Makino) Tamura, were observed sporadically. 6 class-IV taxa, including Cladium chinense Nees, were observed, and with the inclusion of class-I, II and III taxa, a total of 124 taxa were confirmed. 75 taxa belonging to 20 families of naturalized plants, which marks 10% of all the taxa observed during the study, were found, and 55 taxa were found in Aphaedo (Is.). It is assessed that there is a need to manage and continuously monitor the expansion of naturalized plants. Among the study sites, the Songgongsan (Mt.) region of Aphaedo (Is.) included a number of wetland plants, including Scleria caricina (R.Br.) Benth. and S. rugosa R.Br., and they are at high risk of damage as a result of continuous interference in the region.
The study is performed in the Nakdong Estuary located in the city of Busan. The study focuses on understanding the visitation aspect of plover (Pluvialis spp.) and their habitat preference through long-term monitoring in the Nakdong estuary where nearby environment rapidly changes based on comparison and analysis of data from early 1990s and mid-2000s. Among the total of 6,672 individuals in 3 genus and 10 species during the survey, the number of Pluvialis spp. was 910 (13.64%) for 2 species including 57 Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica) and 853 Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola). Among 295 of 910 individuals, 2 genuses of Pluvialis discovered in the first half of 1990s, the number of Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica) and Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) is 41 and 254, respectively. 615 individuals discovered in mid-2000s consist of 16 Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica) and 599 Grey Plover (Pluvialis squantarola). The number of individuals recorded per month for the 2 periods show no significant difference (P=0.522) and the number of individuals in the mid-2000s (Mean=102.50) is larger than that of early-1990s (Mean=73.75). Visitation aspect per month states that the number of individuals in August was the highest of 369, followed by 168 in April, 120 in May, 63 in September and 55 in October, respectively. The average number of individuals for the 5 regions visitation number showed 26.74 including 69.33 in DMD, 18.50 in JJ and SJD, 9.17 in SJ and DY and 6.88 in LUD, showing significant differences among regions (P=0.027). DMD showed the highest number of individuals (Mean=69.33) and LUD recorded the lowest (Mean=6.60) and there was no individual in USD. Regional visitation number showed that the total of 615 individuals have been discovered for 6 years and 416, 111, 55 and 33 individuals in DMD, JJ and SJD, SJ and DY and LUD, respectively. Monthly recorded individuals stated that DMD had 218 individuals in August, 105 in April and 45 in May of 416 in DMD and 42 in August and 22 in September of 111 in JJ and SJD. The results showed that the number of plovers here was not fluctuated much in the early 1990s and mid-2000s despite many environmental changes in the Nakdong Estuary, and there was regional difference among JJ, SD, SJ and DYD, showing preference difference. Future researches will be required whether these results show that the places are still good for habitat of migrant birds or they have no other choices.
The study was performed for birds living around Junam Reservoir, a representing place for migrant birds in Korea for 10 times from February to December (except November) in 2011. The result states that a total of 11,742 individuals, 102 species, 41 families and 13 orders of birds were found around the reservoir and anseriformes including Anser albifrons (16.42%), Anser fabalis (14.44%), Fulica atra (14.08%), Anas platyrhynchos (10.01%), Anas clypeata (7.70%), Aythya ferina (6.88%) and Anas poecilorhyncha (6.59%) are dominant species. By seasons, winter shows high frequencies of types, number of species, number of individuals and diversity. The result of comparing individuals of swans from 1989 to 2011 shows large fluctuation of individuals, irregular repetition and the number of individuals gradually decreases. The number of geese, dabbling ducks and diving ducks between 1999 and 2011 shows gradual increase. Number of species and individuals of birds in the Junam Reservoir have increased and it is estimated that about between 12,000 and 14,000 individuals of 60~65 species spend winter. The reservoir is important as a habitat for migratory birds, as well as ecological study. It requires administrative supports to provide stable environment for birds to spend winter.