Introduction of a LIMS can bring immediate cost-savings and efficiency improvements to a Laboratory. However, peripheral problems can often prevent the full benefits from being realised. For example, in our case, reports generated on paper are subject to postal delays. They are also sent initially to an intermediary, for comments and recommendations to be added (this often means re-typing the report) causing a further delay. Within the Laboratory itself, telephone requests from clients for information on sample progress can consume a considerable amount of staff time. We have addressed both of these problems by use of the Internet. An e-mailing program takes ASCII reports produced from the LIMS and attaches them automatically to e-mail messages. Each can be configured to the specific requirements of the recipient (e.g., the use of encryption, digital signatures, and the document format). World-Wide-Web access to appropriate LIMS databases allows clients to determine progress of samples without involving Laboratory personnel. Read-only access is available to a limited sub-set of data determined by the LIMS manager. Both applications have been created in portable languages, in a way that is suitable for many different environments.