Purpose: Vitamin A is a lipid-soluble compound that is critical in maintaining phototransduction. Ocular manifestations of hypovitaminosis A may present with anterior segment signs of xeropthalmia, with advanced cases also causing classic retinal and electrophysiologic changes of vitamin A deficiency retinopathy. We present a case of vitamin A deficiency retinopathy, with corresponding retinal imaging and electrophysiology, in an adult patient with celiac disease and liver fibrosis.
Methods: A single case report was conducted in Toronto, Canada.
Results: A 77-year-old male with known celiac disease and liver fibrosis presented progressively worsening vision noticed primarily when driving. Vision was 20/50 OD and 20/200 OS. Bitot spots were noted on anterior segment examination. Fundus photography demonstrated bilateral peripheral macular hypopigmentation and far-peripheral granular retinal hypopigmentation with focal yellow dots and hyper-pigmented deposits. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging demonstrated indistinct outer retinal banding with mild outer nuclear layer thinning, focal hyper-reflective deposits, and a thin choroid bilaterally. Full-field electroretinography (ERG) testing demonstrated reduced rod-isolated and combined rod-cone response amplitudes, and multifocal ERG testing demonstrated blunted individual responses throughout the field. The patient was treated with pulse vitamin A therapy. After 6 months of therapy, ERG responses were back within reference range, and the outer retinal changes reversed; visual acuity improved to 20/30 OD and 20/40 OS.
Conclusion: This case represents the classic findings of vitamin A deficiency retinopathy on fundus examination and electrophysiologic testing secondary to gastrointestinal pathology. Prompt treatment of high dose vitamin A supplementation led to improvement of full-field and multifocal ERG results, as well as reconstitution of outer retinal architecture.