Introduction: Ultrasound (US) imaging enables tissue visualization in high spatial resolution with short examination times. Thus, it is often applied in preclinical research. Diagnostic US, including contrast-enhanced US (CEUS), is considered to be well-tolerated by laboratory animals although no systematic study has been performed to confirm this claim. Therefore, the aim of this study was to screen for possible effects of US and CEUS examinations on welfare of healthy mice. Additionally, the potential influence of CEUS and molecular CEUS on well-being and therapy response to regorafenib was investigated in breast cancer-bearing mice.
Material and methods: Forty healthy Balb/c mice were randomly assigned for examination with US or CEUS (3×/week) for 4 weeks. Untreated healthy mice and mice receiving only isoflurane anesthesia served as controls (n = 10/group). Ninety-four 4T1 tumor-bearing Balb/c mice were allocated randomly to the following groups: no imaging, isoflurane anesthesia, CEUS, and molecular CEUS. They either received 10 mg/kg regorafenib or vehicle solution daily by oral gavage. Animals were examined three times within 2 weeks. CEUS measurements were performed using phospholipid microbubbles, and phospholipid microbubbles targeting the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 were applied for molecular CEUS. Welfare evaluation was performed by daily observational score sheets, measuring the heart rate, Rotarod performance, and fecal corticosterone metabolites twice a week. On the last day, pathological changes in serum corticosterone concentrations, hemograms, and organ weights were obtained. Moreover, a potential influence of isoflurane anesthesia, CEUS, and molecular CEUS on regorafenib response in tumor-bearing mice was examined. Analysis of variance and Dunnett's post hoc test were performed as statistical analyses.
Results: Severity parameters were not altered after repeated US and CEUS examinations of healthy mice, but spleen sizes were significantly lower after isoflurane anesthesia. In tumor-bearing mice, no effect on animal welfare after repeated CEUS and molecular CEUS could be observed. However, leukocyte counts and spleen weights of tumor-bearing mice were significantly lower in animals examined with CEUS and molecular CEUS compared to the control groups. This effect was not visible in regorafenib-treated animals.
Conclusions: Repeated US and (molecular) CEUS have no detectable impact on animal welfare in healthy and tumor-bearing mice. However, CEUS and molecular CEUS in combination with isoflurane anesthesia might attenuate immunological processes in tumor-bearing animals and may consequently affect responses to antitumor therapy.