Background: Steroid injections are a common treatment option in the management of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). This study assesses various prognostic factors for progression to carpal tunnel release (CTR) after a first-time steroid injection for CTS with specific focus on concomitant ulnar nerve compression (UNC).
Methods: This is a retrospective study of 426 hands with CTS treated with a first-time steroid injection in the Long Island region of New York. The main predictor variable was UNC measured in two analytical models of positive UNC and location of UNC (wrist or elbow). Multivariate logistic regression analyses adjusted for demographic, medical, and CTS-related variables for 2 study outcomes occurring within 1 year: (1) CTR; and (2) steroid reinjection.
Results: Overall progression to CTR within 1 year of steroid injection was 23.0%. Ulnar nerve compression was present in 16.7% of patients and was significantly associated with increased odds for CTR but not with steroid reinjection. These results were further localized to be specific for UNC at the elbow. A moderate or severe result on electrodiagnostic studies was associated with increased odds for CTR. Increased age was associated with slightly increased odds of steroid reinjection while a history of distal radius fracture was associated with decreased odds of steroid reinjection.
Conclusions: Carpal tunnel syndrome patients with UNC may benefit from earlier definitive treatment with CTR rather than attempting steroid injections, as they are more likely to seek reintervention within 1 year of their initial injection.