In 1982, the Osaka General Medical Center made a modernization plan and started construction of a new hospital. The new radiology department was studied from the layout of the rooms to the newly introduced equipment and data storage system. Just around that time (1983), Fuji Computed Radiography (FCR) was developed.Using this FCR, we took on the challenge of the world's first full digitalization of a general radiography system.At that time, we took the following policies to improve the system.(1) To digitize all general radiography.(2) To review the radiography process, improve the equipment, and build a system to link the equipment together.(3) Change the selection of radiography equipment to one that is compatible with the digital system (small focus: magnified radiography).(4) Convert all ideas, including image processing, to digital systems.These attempts were successful and became the basis for the current field of general radiography.