The introduction of electrohysterography into clinical practice provides new opportunities to study the impact of labour epidural analgesia on uterine contractility because electrohysterography has a greater sensitivity in detecting uterine contractions than external tocodynamometry. We determined the uterine contraction frequency before and after initiation of labour epidural analgesia using an electrohysterography-derived tocogram.
This prospective study included 23 pregnant women between 36–42 weeks’ gestation with a singleton cephalic presentation who requested epidural analgesia in active labour. The primary study outcome was the difference in mean uterine contraction frequency 60 minutes before and 120 minutes after epidural analgesia initiation. The secondary aim was to measure changes in mean contraction frequency over time, using the mean uterine contraction frequency per 10 minutes, derived from 30-minute averages.
In the 120 minutes after epidural analgesia initiation, the average contraction frequency decreased significantly (−0.37 contractions/10 minutes [95% CI −0.64 to −0.11]; P = 0.007 compared with the 60 minutes before epidural analgesia initiation. The largest decrease occurred 60–90 minutes after epidural analgesia initiation (−0.47 contractions/10 minutes [95% CI −0.89 to −0.05]; P = 0.029).
During active labour, electrohysterography identified a statistically significant, although clinically small, reduction in uterine contraction frequency after epidural analgesia initiation. This pilot study demonstrates the potential value of electrohysterography monitoring for obstetric anaesthesia research and might renew interest in the still poorly understood interaction between labour epidural analgesia and uterine activity.