Astrocytes are densely present in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is the master circadian oscillator in mammals, and are presumed to play a key role in circadian oscillation. However, specific astrocytic molecules that regulate the circadian clock are not yet well understood. In our study, we found that the water channel aquaporin-4 (AQP4) was abundantly expressed in SCN astrocytes, and we further examined its circadian role using AQP4-knockout mice. There was no prominent difference in circadian behavioral rhythms between Aqp4-/- and Aqp4+/+ mice subjected to light-dark cycles and constant dark conditions. However, exposure to constant light induced a greater decrease in the Aqp4-/- mice rhythmicity. Although the damped rhythm in long-term constant light recovered after transfer to constant dark conditions in both genotypes, the period until the reappearance of original rhythmicity was severely prolonged in Aqp4-/- mice. In conclusion, AQP4 absence exacerbates the prolonged light-induced impairment of circadian oscillations and delays their recovery to normal rhythmicity.
Adolescents' conflict between circadian rhythm and early school start time is more pronounced in evening chronotypes, who tend to reduce sleep duration during school days compensating during the free days by oversleeping (i.e., social jetlag). Cumulative weekly sleep debt may impair sport performance, which relies on physical and cognitive skills modulated by sleep. We hypothesized that chronotype predicts sport performance, and that it may interact with the day of the week. Moreover, given the role sleep plays in motor memory consolidation, we tested the hypothesis that school attendance, and the related chronic sleep deprivation, might be detrimental for participants in a training phase. Ninety-three adolescent male basketball players performed multiple free throw sessions (n = 7880) during both the school and holiday periods. Chronotype and its interaction with the day of the week significantly predicted shooting accuracy when attending school, but not on holidays. Evening types' performance gradually decreased from Monday to Friday. Participants with a more unstable performance (i.e., who did not complete the acquisition of the free throw motor scheme) worsened their accuracy when attending school. Our results suggest that the impact of chronotype and day of the week on sport performance is related to the presence of an externally imposed sleep/wake schedule and is consistent with evening types' increased likelihood of experiencing social jetlag. Possibly due to early school start time, attending school worsened the performance of participants in a training phase. Further investigations are required to assess whether reducing the mismatch between biological and social clocks might improve sport performance, along with other aspects of adolescents' life.
Many marine organisms synchronously spawn at specific times to ensure the success of external fertilization in the ocean. Corals are famous examples of synchronized spawning at specific lunar phases, and two distinct spawning patterns have been observed in two dominant taxa: merulinid corals spawn at regular lunar phases, several days after the full moon, whereas Acropora corals spawn at more irregular lunar phases around the full moon. Although it has been suggested that the two coral taxa have different responses to moonlight and seawater temperature, their spawning times have never been analyzed by integrating the two environmental factors, resulting in an incomplete understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of spawning. In this study, we developed a new predictive model of coral spawning days by integrating moonlight and temperature effects based on the external coincidence model for the lunar cycle. We performed model fitting using a 10-year monitoring record of coral spawning time in Taiwan. Our model successfully demonstrated the synergistic effects of moonlight and temperature on coral spawning time (days) and provided two testable hypotheses to explain the different spawning patterns regarding the preparation (maturation) process for spawning and the sensitivity to moonlight at different circadian phases: (1) Acropora corals may have an earlier onset and longer period of preparation for spawning than merulinid corals; and (2) merulinid corals may use moonlight signals near sunset, while Acropora corals may have a similar onset at approximately midnight. This is the first study to indicate the difference in circadian phase-dependent moonlight sensitivities between coral taxa, providing a basis for underlying coral spawning mechanisms for rhythmic studies.
Late sleep timing is prevalent in early childhood and a risk factor for poor behavioral and health outcomes. Sleep timing is influenced by the phase of the circadian clock, with later circadian timing linked to delayed sleep onset in young children. Light is the strongest zeitgeber of circadian timing and, in adults, evening light produces circadian phase delay in an intensity-dependent manner. The intensity-dependent circadian phase-shifting response to evening light in children, however, is currently unknown. In the present study, 33 healthy, good-sleeping children aged 3.0 to 4.9 years (M = 4.14 years, 39% male) completed a 10-day between-subjects protocol. Following 7 days of a stable sleep schedule, an in-home dim-light circadian assessment was performed. Children remained in dim-light across 3 days (55 h), with salivary melatonin collected in regular intervals throughout each evening. Phase-shifting effects of light exposure were determined via changes in the timing of the dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO) prior to (Day 8) and following (Day 10) a light exposure stimulus. On Day 9, children were exposed to a 1 h light stimulus in the hour before their habitual bedtime. Each child was randomly assigned to one intensity between 5 and 5000 lux (4.5-3276 melanopic EDI). Across light intensities, children showed significant circadian phase delays, with an average phase delay of 56.1 min (SD = 33.6 min), and large inter-individual variability. No relationship between light intensity and magnitude of the phase shift was observed. However, a greater percentage of melatonin suppression during the light exposure was associated with a greater phase delay (r = -0.73, p < 0.01). These findings demonstrate that some young children may be highly sensitive to light exposure in the hour before bedtime and suggest that the home lighting environment and its impact on circadian timing should be considered a possible contributor to behavioral sleep difficulties.
Organisms track time of day through the function of cell-autonomous molecular clocks. In addition to a central clock located in the brain, molecular clocks are present in most peripheral tissues. Circadian clocks are coordinated within and across tissues, but the manner through which this coordination is achieved is not well understood. We reasoned that the ability to track in vivo molecular clock activity in specific tissues of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, would facilitate an investigation into the relationship between different clock-containing tissues. Previous efforts to monitor clock gene expression in single flies in vivo have used regulatory elements of several different clock genes to dictate expression of a luciferase reporter enzyme, the activity of which can be monitored using a luminometer. Although these reporter lines have been instrumental in our understanding of the circadian system, they generally lack cell specificity, making it difficult to compare molecular clock oscillations between different tissues. Here, we report the generation of several novel lines of flies that allow for inducible expression of a luciferase reporter construct for clock gene transcriptional activity. We find that these lines faithfully report circadian transcription, as they exhibit rhythmic luciferase activity that is dependent on a functional molecular clock. Furthermore, we take advantage of our reporter lines' tissue specificity to demonstrate that peripheral molecular clocks are able to retain rhythmicity for multiple days under constant environmental conditions.
Shift workers face an increased risk of metabolic health problems, but the direct metabolic response to working nights is not fully understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of night shifts on the 24-h urinary metabolome of shift workers. Eleven police officers working rotating shifts completed two 24-h laboratory visits that took place before and after they worked 7 consecutive nights. Sleep and meals were scheduled on a day schedule in the first visit and then on a night schedule (i.e., sleep and meals shifted by approximately 12 h) in the second visit. Targeted metabolomic analysis was performed on urine samples collected throughout these laboratory visits. Differential rhythmicity analysis was used to compare 24-h rhythms in urinary metabolites in both conditions. Our results show that on the day schedule, 24-h rhythms are present in the urinary levels of the majority of metabolites, but that this is significantly reduced on the night schedule, partly due to loss of organic acid rhythmicity. Furthermore, misalignment of 24-h metabolite rhythms with the shifted behavioral cycles in the night schedule was observed in more than half of the metabolites that were rhythmic in both conditions (all acylcarnitines). These results show that working nights alters the daily rhythms of the urinary metabolome in rotating shift workers, with the most notable impact observed for acylcarnitines and organic acids, 2 metabolite classes involved in mitochondrial function. Further research is warranted to study how these changes relate to the increased metabolic risks associated with shift work.
Biomedical research on mammals has traditionally neglected females, raising the concern that some scientific findings may generalize poorly to half the population. Although this lack of sex inclusion has been broadly documented, its extent within circadian genomics remains undescribed. To address this gap, we examined sex inclusion practices in a comprehensive collection of publicly available transcriptome studies on daily rhythms. Among 148 studies having samples from mammals in vivo, we found strong underrepresentation of females across organisms and tissues. Overall, only 23 of 123 studies in mice, 0 of 10 studies in rats, and 9 of 15 studies in humans included samples from females. In addition, studies having samples from both sexes tended to have more samples from males than from females. These trends appear to have changed little over time, including since 2016, when the US National Institutes of Health began requiring investigators to consider sex as a biological variable. Our findings highlight an opportunity to dramatically improve representation of females in circadian research and to explore sex differences in daily rhythms at the genome level.
The recall of conditioned fear extinction exhibits a circadian rhythm in humans and rodents, with optimal extinction recall occurring during the early active phase. However, it remains unclear whether this rhythm depends on the circadian modulation of mechanisms supporting memory consolidation versus memory maintenance and retrieval. Here, adult male rats underwent conditioned fear extinction at one of four times throughout the day and then, starting 24 h after extinction, were repeatedly tested for extinction recall over the next 24 h. Rats undergoing extinction learning during the early active phase tended toward accelerated extinction learning compared with rats in other groups, pointing to rhythms in mechanisms that support extinction memory encoding. The next day, the strength of extinction recall followed a 24-h cycle that depended not on the time of day of extinction learning but, instead, on the time of day of extinction recall. This latter finding indicates a rhythm in mechanisms supporting extinction memory maintenance and/or retrieval. Subsequent testing for fear relapse in the conditioning context suggested reduced fear in rats tested during the early active phase. These results lay the groundwork for mechanistic investigations of circadian rhythms in fear extinction memory.