We present multi-platform observations of plasma cloak, O+ outflows, kinetic Alfven waves (KAWs), and auroral oval for the geomagnetic storm on 17 March 2015. During the storm's main phase, we observed a generally symmetric equatorward motion of the auroral oval in both hemispheres, corresponding to the plasmasphere erosion and inward motion of the plasma sheet. Consequently, Van Allen Probes became immersed within the plasma sheet for extended hours and repeatedly observed correlated KAWs and O+ outflows. The KAWs contain adequate energy flux toward the ionosphere to energize the observed outflow ions. Adiabatic particle tracing suggests that the O+ outflows are directly from the nightside auroral oval and that the energization is through a quasi-static potential drop. The O+ outflows from the nightside auroral oval were adequate (