Objective: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) may provide clinically relevant data regarding metabolic processes that govern the course of preterm brain injury.
Study design: 46 very preterm infants (VP) were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging and 1H-MRS at term-equivalent age. Brain injury was assessed according to the Kidokoro scale. Moreover, 17 term-born infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) were scanned. The metabolic profile of the central nervous system was obtained from the bilateral thalamus.
Result: The Lipids/Creatine, Choline/Creatine, N-acetyl aspartate/Choline, Lactate/N-acetyl aspartate, and Lactate/Creatine ratios differed between VP infants with moderate+severe brain damage and those without brain injury. Moreover, VP infants with moderate+severe brain damage had higher Lactate/ N-acetyl aspartate and Lactate/Creatine ratios than HIE group.
Conclusion: There were significant differences in the cerebral metabolite profile at TEA between VP infants with and without brain injury. The 1H-MRS profile of VP infants with moderate+severe brain damage may reflect profound chronic metabolic alterations.
Objective: The objective of this study is to describe the impact of rapid and ultra-rapid whole genome sequencing (rWGS/urWGS) on the care of neonatal intensive care (NICU) patients who require extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
Study design: This is a retrospective cohort study at a single-center NICU in a tertiary children's hospital. The study population includes NICU patients treated with ECMO from May 2017 to September 2023. Patients were evaluated for whether whole genome was completed, speed of testing (rapid vs. ultra-rapid), diagnostic rate, and clinical utility.
Result: Twenty-six (72%) patients had rWGS/urWGS. A diagnosis associated with the patient's phenotype was made in 12 patients (46%). A change in clinical management was made due to rWGS/urWGS in 10 patients (38%) including avoidance of imaging studies, decisions regarding goals of care, and screening studies.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates a high diagnostic rate and clinical utility of rWGS/urWGS for NICU patients requiring ECMO.
Background: Reducing bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) utilizing a single intervention has been challenging. The quality improvement (QI) bundle approach may better address BPD multifactorial risk factors.
Methods: A single-center interdisciplinary quality improvement (QI) initiative to enhance respiratory care for preterm infants born less than 30 weeks gestation.
Global aim: To reduce BPD in preterm infants.
Smart aim: Introduce and implement a comprehensive, evidence-based respiratory care bundle within 12 months, targeting areas needing improvement in our practices.
Results: Our preplanned improvement targets were achieved for all process measures. Overall BPD incidence did not change (45% vs. 44.3%). After the QI intervention, inborn infants had a lower BPD rate, though not statistically significant (38.7% vs. 30.3%, p = 0.22), with a significant reduction in grade 1 BPD (24.5% vs. 12.4%, p = 0.032).
Conclusion: Structured interdisciplinary QI work tailored to local settings can improve respiratory care and possibly amend the outcomes of infants at risk for BPD.
Background: Less invasive surfactant administration (LISA) is associated with better outcomes than InSurE (Intubation-Surfactant administration-Extubation). Video-laryngoscopy (VL) facilitates intubation in neonates, however safety and cost-effectiveness of VL-assisted LISA have not been evaluated.
Methods: We compared the outcomes of infants receiving VL-assisted LISA (n = 67) with a historical cohort of infants who received InSurE (n = 52). Secondary aims were to evaluate safety and cost-effectiveness.
Results: VL-assisted LISA was associated with reduced duration of non-invasive ventilation (NIV), reduced duration of oxygen therapy, reduced composite days on NIV and mechanical ventilation (MV), and shorter NICU stay with lower hospital costs for infants ≥29 weeks GA, compared to InSurE. In the VL-assisted LISA group, 66% of the tracheal catheters were placed on the first attempt and 16% of infants displayed desaturation during placement.
Conclusion: In infants ≥29 weeks GA, VL-assisted LISA reduced exposure to NIV, oxygen, NIV and MV combined, length of stay, and cost of care compared to InSurE.
Objective: Short-term treatment efficacy of systemic dexamethasone (DEX) in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is highly variable. Our objective was to assess if salivary cortisol may serve as a reliable biomarker of steroid response.
Study design: Multi-site prospective observational cohort study. Salivary cortisol was measured before and after DEX treatment. Respiratory Severity Score (RSS) quantified clinical response.
Results: Fifty-four infants with median (inter-quartile range) gestational age of 25.1 (24.1,26.5) weeks initiated DEX at 30 (23,48) days' postnatal age. Median baseline and post-treatment cortisol levels were 0.3 (0.2,0.6) μg/dl; 8.3 (5.5,16.5) nmol/L and 0.2 (0.1,0.3) μg/dl; 5.5 (2.8,8.3) nmol/L, respectively. RSS values decreased by a median of 3.1(1.6,5.0) Change in RSS did not correlate with baseline cortisol or change in cortisol levels.
Conclusion: In this first study to assess salivary cortisol as a biomarker for DEX response in BPD, salivary cortisol did not predict dexamethasone response.
Objective: To evaluate the pain intensity in preterm infants during 48 h post retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) screening by binocular fundoscopy.
Design: Prospective cohort study.
Settings: Level-III-NICU in India.
Participants: 83 Neonates undergoing first ROP screening.
Main outcome measures: Pain assessment using the premature infant pain profile-revised (PIPP-R) score at baseline and 5 min, 30 min, 6 h, 24 h, and 48 h post-procedure.
Results: The mean gestation and birth weight was 29.8 (2.3) weeks and 1256 (344)g respectively. The median (IQR) PIPP-R score at baseline was 0 which significantly increased to 10.5 (8,12.5) 5 min (immediately) after the procedure. At 30 min and 6 h, scores were 7 (5,8) and 4.5 (3,5.5) respectively. After 24 h and 48 h, it decreased to 3 (0,5) and 0 (0,4.5) respectively. Nearly 59% (95%CI:40%-83%) of neonates had severe pain (PIPP-R score > 12) immediately after procedure.
Conclusion: A majority of neonates experience severe pain immediately after ROP screening, and mild-moderate pain continues for 6 h. Hence, an additional pharmacological agent should be considered for reducing neonatal pain.
Objective: To examine the relationship between gestational COVID-19 and perinatal-neonatal outcomes.
Study design: Prospective cohort study. Neonates born at Hospital del Mar (Barcelona) between 2020 and 2022 were classified into two cohorts according to their mother's COVID-19 status during pregnancy. Prenatal and postnatal variables were compared between the COVID-19 and the control cohort, and depending on timing and severity of maternal infection.
Results: We included 2701 neonates and observed higher rates of respiratory distress (5.7% vs 3.3%, p = 0.044) and pathological jaundice (7.7% vs 4.1%, p = 0.007) in the COVID-19 cohort, without differences between trimesters. We did not find statistically significant differences in other perinatal outcomes. The logistic regression analyses showed that maternal COVID-19 was not a risk factor for prematurity (OR:1.23;CI:0.75-2.03; p = 0.407).
Conclusions: Infants born to mothers with COVID-19 during pregnancy in our hospital showed higher rates of respiratory distress and pathological jaundice, without increased rates of prematurity or other morbidities.
Objective: Maternal presence in the Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) supports infant and maternal health, yet mothers face visitation challenges. Based on intersectionality theory, we hypothesized that mothers of Black infants with lower socioeconomic status (SES) living further from the hospital would demonstrate the lowest rates of maternal presence.
Study design: We extracted infant race, Medicaid status, and maternal home address from 238 infant medical charts. The primary outcome was rate of maternal presence. Generalized linear modeling and binomial regression were employed for analysis.
Results: Medicaid status was the strongest single predictor of lower rates of maternal presence. Having lower SES was associated with lower rates of maternal presence in mothers of white infants, and living at a distance from the hospital was associated with lower maternal presence in mothers of higher SES.
Conclusions: Interventions to support maternal presence in the NICU should address resource-related challenges experienced by mothers of lower SES.