Background: Potocki-Lupski syndrome (PTLS, OMIM # 610883) is a rare genetic developmental disorder resulting from a partial heterozygous microduplication at chromosome 17p11.2. The condition is characterized by a wide variability of clinical expression, which can make its clinical and molecular diagnosis challenging.
Case presentation: We report here a family (mother and her two children) diagnosed with PTLS. When examining children, neurological and psychological (neuropsychiatric) manifestations (speech delay, mild mental retardation), motor disorders, craniofacial dysmorphism (microcephaly, dolichocephaly, triangular face, wide bulging forehead, long chin, antimongoloid slant, "elfin" ears) were revealed. The suspected clinical diagnosis was confirmed by MLPA and CMA molecular genetic testing which revealed the presence of a segmental aneusomy; microduplication in the 17p11.2 region.
Conclusions: Children with PTLS can have a clinically recognizable and specific phenotype: craniofacial dysmorphism, motor and neurological manifestations, which may implicate a possible genetic disease to the attending physician. Moreover, each child with this syndrome is unique and may have a different clinical picture. The management of such patients requires a multidisciplinary team approach, including medical genetic counseling.
Background: Silver-Russel syndrome (SRS) is a congenital disorder which is mainly characterized by intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation, relative macrocephaly, and characteristic (facial) dysmorphisms. The majority of patients shows a hypomethylation of the imprinting center region 1 (IC1) in 11p15 and maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 7 (upd(7)mat), but in addition a broad spectrum of copy number variations (CNVs) and monogenetic variants (SNVs) has been reported in this cohort. These heterogeneous findings reflect the clinical overlap of SRS with other congenital disorders, but some of the CNVs are recurrent and have therefore been suggested as SRS-associated loci. However, this molecular heterogeneity makes the decision on the diagnostic workup of patients with SRS features challenging.
Case presentation: A girl with clinical features of SRS but negatively tested for the IC1 hypomethylation and upd(7)mat was analyzed by whole genome sequencing in order to address both CNVs and SNVs in the same run. We identified a 11p13 microduplication affecting a region overlapping with a variant reported in a previously published patient with clinical features of Silver-Russel syndrome.
Conclusions: The identification of a 11p13 microduplication in a patient with SRS features confirms the considerable contribution of CNVs to SRS-related phenotypes, and it strengthens the evidence for a 11p13 microduplication syndrome as a differential diagnosis SRS. Furthermore, we could confirm that WGS is a valuable diagnostic tool in patients with SRS and related disorders, as it allows CNVs and SNV detection in the same run, thereby avoiding a time-consuming diagnostic testing process.
Objective: The primary object of this study is to analyze chromosomal abnormalities in miscarriages detected by copy number variants sequencing (CNV-Seq), establish potential pathways or genes related to miscarriages, and provide guidance for birth health in the following pregnancies.
Methods: This study enrolled 580 miscarriage cases with paired clinical information and chromosomal detection results analyzed by CNV-Seq. Further bioinformatic analyses were performed on validated pathogenic CNVs (pCNVs).
Results: Of 580 miscarriage cases, three were excluded as maternal cell contamination, 357 cases showed abnormal chromosomal results, and the remaining 220 were normal, with a positive detection rate of 61.87% (357/577). In the 357 miscarriage cases, 470 variants were discovered, of which 65.32% (307/470) were pathogenic. Among all variants detected, 251 were numerical chromosomal abnormalities, and 219 were structural abnormalities. With advanced maternal age, the proportion of numerical abnormalities increased, but the proportion of structural abnormalities decreased. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway and gene ontology analysis revealed that eleven pathways and 636 biological processes were enriched in pCNVs region genes. Protein-protein interaction analysis of 226 dosage-sensitive genes showed that TP53, CTNNB1, UBE3A, EP300, SOX2, ATM, and MECP2 might be significant in the development of miscarriages.
Conclusion: Our study provides evidence that chromosomal abnormalities contribute to miscarriages, and emphasizes the significance of microdeletions or duplications in causing miscarriages apart from numerical abnormalities. Essential genes found in pCNVs regions may account for miscarriages which need further validation.
Background: The contribution of genetic variants to congenital heart defects (CHDs) has been investigated in many postnatal cohorts but described in few prenatal fetus cohorts. Overall, specific genetic variants especially copy number variants (CNVs) leading to CHDs are somewhat diverse among different prenatal cohort studies. In this study, a total of 1118 fetuses with confirmed CHDs were recruited from three units over a 5-year period, composing 961 of singleton pregnancies and 157 of twin pregnancies. We performed chromosomal microarray analysis on all cases to detect numerical chromosomal abnormalities (NCAs) and pathogenic/likely pathogenic CNVs (P/LP CNVs) and employed whole-exome sequencing for some cases without NCAs and P/LP CNVs to detect P/LP sequence variants (P/LP SVs).
Results: Overall, NCAs and P/LP CNVs were identified in 17.6% (197/1118) of cases, with NCA accounting for 9.1% (102/1118) and P/LP CNV for 8.5% (95/1118). Nonisolated CHDs showed a significantly higher frequency of NCA than isolated CHD (27.3% vs. 4.4%, p < 0.001), but there was no significant difference in the frequency of P/LP CNVs between isolated and nonisolated CHD (11.7% vs. 7.7%). A total of 109 P/LP CNVs were identified in 95 fetuses, consisting of 97 (89.0%) de novo, 6 (5.5%) parental inherited and 6 (5.5%) with unavailable parental information. The 16p11.2 proximal BP4-BP5 deletion was detected in 0.9% (10/1118) of all cases, second only to the most common 22q11.21 proximal A-D deletion (2.1%, 23/1118). Most of the 16p11.2 deletions (8/10) detected were de novo, and were enriched in CHD cases compared with a control cohort from a previous study. Additionally, SV was identified in 12.9% (8/62) of cases without NCA and P/LP CNV, most of which were de novo with autosomal dominant inheritance.
Conclusions: Our cohort study provides a deep profile of the contribution of genetic variants to CHDs in both singleton and twin fetuses; NCA and P/LP CNV contribute to 9.1% and 8.5% of CHD in fetuses, respectively. We confirmed the 16p11.2 deletion as a CHD-associated hotspot CNV, second only to the 22q11.21 deletion in frequency. Most 16p11.2 deletions detected were de novo. Additionally, P/LP SV was identified in 12.9% (8/62) of fetuses without NCA or P/LP CNV.
Background: Uniparental disomy (UPD) is a rare genetic condition leading to potential disease risks. Maternal UPD of chromosome 6 upd(6)mat is exceptionally rare, with limited cases reported. This study reported two new cases of upd(6)mat and reviewed the literature of previous cases.
Case presentation: Both cases exhibited intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and genetic analysis confirmed upd(6)mat in each case. The literature review identified a total of 19 cases. IUGR and preterm labor were the most common two symptoms observed, and additional anomalies and genetic variations were also reported in some cases.
Conclusion: upd(6)mat is potentially associatied with IUGR, but the precise genotype-phenotype relationship remains unclear. The cases with upd(6)mat may present clinical features due to imprinting disorders.
Background: Individuals with X chromosomal translocations, variable phenotypes, and a high risk of live birth defects are of interest for scientific study. These characteristics are related to differential breakpoints and various types of chromosomal abnormalities. To investigate the effects of X chromosome translocation on clinical phenotype, a retrospective analysis of clinical data for patients with X chromosome translocation was conducted. Karyotype analysis plus endocrine evaluation was utilized for all the patients. Additional semen analysis and Y chromosome microdeletions were assessed in male patients.
Results: X chromosome translocations were detected in ten cases, including seven females and three males. Infantile uterus and no ovaries were detected in case 1 (FSH: 114 IU/L, LH: 30.90 mIU/mL, E2: < 5.00 pg/ml), and the karyotype was confirmed as 46,X,t(X;22)(q25;q11.2) in case 1. Infantile uterus and small ovaries were both visible in two cases (FSH: 34.80 IU/L, LH: 17.06 mIU/mL, E2: 15.37 pg/ml in case 2; FISH: 6.60 IU/L, LH: 1.69 mIU/mL, E2: 23.70 pg/ml in case 3). The karyotype was detected as 46,X,t(X;8)(q13;q11.2) in case 2 and 46,X,der(X)t(X;5)(q21;q31) in case 3. Normal reproductive hormone levels and fertility abilities were found for cases 4, 6 and 7. The karyotype were detected as 46,X,t(X;5)(p22.3;q22) in case 4 and 46,X,der(X)t(X;Y)(p22.3;q11.2) in cases 6 and 7. These patients exhibited unremarkable clinical manifestations but experienced a history of abnormal chromosomal pregnancy. Normal phenotype and a complex reciprocal translocation as 46,X,t(X;14;4)(q24;q22;q33) were observed in case 5 with a history of spontaneous abortions. In the three male patients, multiple semen analyses confirmed the absence of sperm. Y chromosome microdeletion and hormonal analyses were normal. The karyotypes were detected as 46,Y,t(X;8)(q26;q22), 46,Y,t(X;1)(q26;q23), 46,Y,t(X;3)(q26;p24), respectively.
Conclusions: Our study provides insights into individuals with X chromosome translocations. The clinical phenotypes are variable and unpredictable due to differences in breakpoints and X chromosome inactivation (XCI) patterns. Our results suggest that physicians should focus on the characteristics of the X chromosome translocations and provide personalized clinical evaluations in genetic counselling.
Background: Few co-occurrence cases of mosaic aneuploidy and uniparental disomy (UPD) chromosomes have been reported in prenatal periods. It is a big challenge for us to predict fetal clinical outcomes with these chromosome abnormalities because of their highly heterogeneous clinical manifestations and limited phenotype attainable by ultrasound.
Methods: Amniotic fluid samples were collected from four cases. Karyotype, chromosome microarray analysis, short tandem repeats, and whole exome sequencing were adopted to analyze fetal chromosomal aneuploidy, UPD, and gene variation. Meanwhile, CNVseq analysis proceeded for cultured and uncultured amniocytes in case 2 and case 4 and MS-MLPA for chr11 and chr15 in case 3.
Results: All four fetuses showed mosaic chromosomal aneuploidy and UPD simultaneously. The results were: Case 1: T2(7%) and UPD(2)mat(12%). Case 2: T15(60%) and UPD(15)mat(40%). Case 3: 45,X(13%) and genome-wide paternal UPD(20%). Case 4: <10% of T20 and > 90% UPD(20)mat in uncultured amniocyte. By analyzing their formation mechanism of mosaic chromosomal aneuploidy and UPD, at least two adverse genetic events happened during their meiosis and mitosis. The fetus of case 1 presented a benign with a normal intrauterine phenotype, consistent with a low proportion of trisomy cells. However, the other three fetuses had adverse pregnancy outcomes, resulting from the UPD chromosomes with imprinted regions involved or a higher level of mosaic aneuploidy.
Conclusion: UPD is often present with mosaic aneuploidy. It is necessary to analyze them simultaneously using a whole battery of analyses for these cases when their chromosomes with imprinted regions are involved or known carriers of a recessive allele. Fetal clinical outcomes were related to the affected chromosomes aneuploidy and UPD, mosaic levels and tissues, methylation status, and homozygous variation of recessive genes on the UPD chromosome. Genetic counseling for pregnant women with such fetuses is crucial to make informed choices.
In this case report, we describe a rare prenatal finding of a small marker chromosome. This marker chromosome corresponds to an inverted duplication of the 13q region 13q31.1q34 (or 13q31.1 → qter) with a neocentromere, detected during genetic analysis of a chorionic villus sample in a fetus with multiple congenital anomalies after a normal prenatal screening result by noninvasive prenatal testing.