Background: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is established for depression and rehabilitation after stroke and is emerging for cognitive rehabilitation. We sought to evaluate patient and carer perceptions toward rTMS for rehabilitation after neurosurgery.
Methods: Two surveys were undertaken. Group 1: Patients who received 7 days of rTMS for motor or language rehabilitation for severe postoperative deficits following lesional resection were prospectively surveyed on the last day of their rTMS treatment, as well as their next of kin. Group 2: Patients who had previously been diagnosed with glioma but did not receive rTMS were retrospectively surveyed through two brain tumor charities, including next of kin.
Results: Group 1: Twenty-one responses. Eleven patients, 10 next of kin. The commonest pathology was WHO Grade 4 glioma (n = 3). Group 2: 24 responses. Sixteen patients, 8 next of kin. The commonest pathology was WHO Grade 2 glioma (n = 7). Most Group 1 respondents reported a positive experience of rTMS (15/21). Patients experienced subjective improvements in gross motor functions of arm and leg weakness and purposeful movement (9/11). Lack of subjective motor improvement was associated with adverse symptoms (e.g., headaches; p = .01). Group 2 respondents were supportive of rTMS. Key priorities included motor and cognitive rehabilitation. They were accepting of longer and more frequent rTMS sessions than Group 1 (p = .028 and <.001, respectively). Commonest concerns pertained to side effects are seizures and headaches.
Conclusions: rTMS for rehabilitation was well-tolerated by patients with side effects being commoner in those with no subjective motor improvements. Nontreated patients and their next of kin would find longer and more sessions acceptable but have concerns about potential side effects.