Solid tumors are a heterogeneous group of malignancies that result from out-of-control proliferation of cells. Thrombocytopenia is a common complication among patients with solid tumors that predispose them to bleeding disorders. The aim of this review article is to investigate the underlying mechanisms of the risk and incidence of thrombocytopenia in solid tumors. It can be argued that thrombocytopenia is a poor prognostic factor in solid tumors that can result from several factors such as polymorphism and mutation in some transcription factors and cytokines involved in megakaryocytic maturation or from the adverse effects of treatment. Therefore, an understanding of the exact mechanism of thrombocytopenia pathogenesis in each stage of solid tumors can help in developing therapeutic strategies to decrease bleeding complications in these malignancies.
Aberrant expression of CD5 (as a T-cell marker) is seen in some leukemia and lymphoma of B lineage origin. Given that the signaling resulting from the expression of this marker plays an essential role in the development of leukemia and lymphoma, evaluating the expression of this marker is of paramount importance. Therefore, our goal in this study was to investigate the prognostic importance of CD5 expression in B-cell leukemia and lymphoma. We evaluate CD5 expression in normal and leukemic B-cells by identifying relevant literature through a PubMed search (1998-2018) of English language papers using the terms: 'CD5,' 'B-cell,' 'Leukemia,' and 'Lymphoma.' We are doing this thorough comparison of results from CD5 positive and negative cases to make a correct decision about prognostic importance of CD5 expression in these malignancies. In a number of B-cell malignancies, CD5 is expressed in varying degrees. Due to the different origins and characteristics of these malignancies, the results of CD5 expression evaluations are heterogeneous and impossible to generalize. However, CD5 expression is sometimes associated with clinicopathologic findings, more invasive clinical course, and even resistance to treatment (specifically in DLBCL) among CD5- positive patients, which appears to be a function of CD5 signaling and its downstream factors such as STAT3. Depending on the type of malignancy, CD5 expression is associated with good or bad prognosis, which can be used as an auxiliary prognostic factor to assess the clinical course of B-cell malignancies. Moreover, the difference in expression levels of CD5 in a variety of B-cell malignancies allows for differential diagnosis of these malignancies, which can be helpful when diagnosis is difficult.
The objective was to identify the best-validated scale for assessing oral pharmacological adherence in oncology patients. A bibliographic search was performed in MEDLINE via Ovid, EMBASE, CENTRAL and LILACS. We included all studies in which a validation of adherence scales to oral pharmacological treatment was performed in oncology patients older than 18 years without gender distinction. We excluded studies that included newly diagnosed patients. No statistical analysis was performed due to the nature of the study. A total of 4609 studies were found. After screening, six studies were selected for qualitative analysis. In the analysis of the six included studies, a total of 855 patients older than 18 years with oncological diagnoses were found. Two of the studies, Bagcivan et al. and Amorim et al., used scales that show acceptable validity and reliability to adequately measure adherence to pharmacological treatment in each of the patients. In this way, the quality of patient care and success in pharmacological treatments can be guaranteed. According to the results obtained in the evaluation of biases and analysis of psychometric properties, the best-validated scales are as follows: Adherence Determinants Questionnaire (ADQ) (Brazilian version) and the Oral Chemotherapy Adherence Scale (OCAS). These are valid, reliable and useful scales that can be adapted to any cultural context.
Mitochondria are cellular machines essential for energy production. The biogenesis of mitochondria is a highly complex and it depends on the coordination of the nuclear and mitochondrial genome. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations and deletions are suspected to be associated with carcinogenesis. The most described mtDNA deletion in various human cancers is called the 4977-bp common deletion (mDNA4977) and it has been explored since two decades. In spite of that, its implication in carcinogenesis still unknown and its predictive and prognostic impact remains controversial. This review article provides an overview of some of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying mDNA4977 formation and a detailed summary about mDNA4977 reported in various types of cancers. The current knowledges of mDNA4977 as a prognostic and predictive marker are also discussed.