Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) consists of the delivery of a constant positive pressure in the airways by means of a noninvasive interface aiming to maintain airway patency throughout the entire respiratory cycle. PEEP is increasingly used in the chronic care of children with anatomical or functional abnormalities of the upper airways to correct severe persistent obstructive sleep apnea despite optimal management which commonly includes adenotonsillectomy in young children. PEEP may be used at any age, due to improvements in equipment and interfaces. Criteria for CPAP/NIV initiation, optimal setting, follow-up and monitoring, as well as weaning criteria have been established by international experts, but validated criteria are lacking. As chronic PEEP is a highly specialised treatment, patients should be managed by an expert pediatric multidisciplinary team.
Newborn screening (NBS) for cystic fibrosis (CF) has enabled earlier diagnosis and has improved nutritional and growth-related outcomes in children with CF. For those with a positive NBS for CF that do not meet the diagnostic criteria for CF, the clinical entity called CFTR-Related Metabolic Syndrome (CRMS) or CF Screen- Positive, Inconclusive Diagnosis (CFSPID) is used. Although most children with CRMS remain relatively asymptomatic, studies have shown that between 11% and 48% of these patients may eventually progress to a diagnosis of CF over time. Although the CF Foundation guidelines for CRMS management and European CF Society guidelines for CFSPID have some similarities, there are also some differences. Here, we review challenging case scenarios that highlight remaining gaps in CRMS guidelines, thus supporting the need to update and unify existing guidelines.
Application of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) targeted towards improving oxygenation is one of the components of the ventilatory management of pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS). Low end-expiratory airway pressures cause repetitive opening and closure of unstable alveoli, leading to surfactant dysfunction and parenchymal shear injury. Consequently, there is less lung volume available for tidal ventilation when there are atelectatic lung regions. This will increase lung strain in aerated lung areas to which the tidal volume is preferentially distributed. Pediatric critical care practitioners tend to use low levels of PEEP and inherently accept higher FiO2, but these practices may negatively affect patient outcome. The Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference (PALICC) suggests that PEEP should be titrated to oxygenation/oxygen delivery, hemodynamics, and compliance measured under static conditions as compared to other clinical parameters or any of these parameters in isolation in patients with PARDS, while limiting plateau pressure and/or driving pressure limits.
To explore the relationship between postural changes in lung function and polysomnography (PSG) in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).
In this prospective cross-sectional study, children with DMD performed spirometry in sitting and supine positions. A control group of age and gender matched healthy children also underwent postural lung function testing. PSG was performed within six months of spirometry.
Seventeen children with DMD, aged 12.3 ± 3 years performed sitting spirometry. 14 (84%) performed acceptable spirometry in the supine position. Mean FEV1sit and FVCsit were 77% (SD ± 22) and 74% (SD ± 20.4) respectively, with mean% ΔFVC(sit–sup) 9% (SD ± 11) (range 2% to 20%), and was significantly greater than healthy controls 4% (n = 30, SD ± 3, P < 0.001). PSG data on the 14 DMD children with acceptable supine spirometry showed total AHI 6.9 ± 5.9/hour (0.3 to 29), obstructive AHI 5.2 ± 4.0/hour (0.2 to 10), and REM AHI 14.1 ± -5.3/hour (0.1 to 34.7). ΔFVC(sit–sup) had poor correlation with hypoventilation on polysomnography.
Children with DMD and mild restrictive lung disease showed greater postural changes in spirometry than healthy controls but lower supine spirometry was not predictive of sleep hypoventilation.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a leading cause of hospitalization in young children and represents a substantial health-care burden around the world. Advances in research have helped identify the prefusion F protein as the key target component in RSV immunization. In this article, we review the previous, current, and ongoing research efforts for immunization against RSV in children. We present the different types of immunization which include monoclonal antibodies, maternal immunization and vaccines while addressing the challenges of preventing RSV infections in the pediatric population.
Pulmonary drug delivery is complex due to several challenges including disease-, patient-, and clinicians-related factors. Although many inhaled medications are available in aerosol medicine, delivering aerosolized medications to patients requires effective disease management. There is a large gap in the knowledge of clinicians who select and provide instructions for the correct use of aerosol devices. Since improper device selection, incorrect inhaler technique, and poor patient adherence to prescribed medications may result in inadequate disease control, individualized aerosol medicine is essential for effective disease management and control. The components of individualized aerosol medicine include: (1) Selecting the right device, (2) Selecting the right interface, (3) Educating the patient effectively, and (4) Increasing patient adherence to therapy. This paper reviews each of these components and provides recommendations to integrate the device and interface into the patient for better clinical outcomes.
Congenital lung and lower airway abnormalities are rare, but they are an important differential diagnosis in children with respiratory diseases, especially if the disease is recurrent or does not resolve. The factors determining the time of presentation of congenital airway pathologies include the severity of narrowing, association with other lesions and the presence or absence of congenital heart disease (CHD). Bronchoscopy is required in these cases to assess the airway early after birth or when intubation and ventilation are difficult or not possible. Many of these conditions have associated abnormalities that must be diagnosed early, as this determines surgical interventions. It may be necessary to combine imaging and bronchoscopy findings in these children to determine the correct diagnosis as well as in operative management. Endoscopic interventional procedures may be needed in many of these conditions, ranging from intubation to balloon dilatations and aortopexy. This review will describe the bronchoscopic findings in children with congenital lung and lower airway abnormalities, illustrate how bronchoscopy can be used for diagnosis and highlight the role of interventional bronchoscopy in the management of these conditions.