In this review we show that the space experiment with gamma-ray detector with sensitivity 2 orders of magnitude higher than existing ones will make it possible to discover up to a thousand neutron star mergers, even at those moments when gravitational wave (GW) antennas are not working. At the same time, synchronous detection of neutron stars mergers by gamma-ray and GW detectors will make it possible not only to study in detail the physical processes occurring at the time of the catastrophe, but also to determine the full gamma ray beam pattern, including the average jet divergence angle and the real energy of the explosion. A gamma detector that has the required sensitivity at a relatively low flight weight is proposed. The latter, in turn, will make it possible to clarify our ideas about the genesis of double relativistic stars in the Universe.
This paper reviews the work done on black hole interior volume, entropy, and evaporation. An insight into the basics for understanding the interior volume is presented. A general analogy to investigate the interior volume of a black hole, the associated quantum mode’s entropy, and the evolution relation between the interior and exterior entropy is explained. Using this analogy, we predicted the future of information stored in a BH, its radiation, and evaporation. The results are noted in tables 1 and 2. To apply this analogy in BH space–time, we investigated the interior volume, entropy, and evaluation relation for different types of BHs. Finally, we also investigated the nature of BH radiation and the probability of particle emission during the evaporation process.
Third generation and future upgrades of current gravitational-wave detectors will present exquisite sensitivities which will allow to detect a plethora of gravitational wave signals. Hence, a new problem to be solved arises: the detection and parameter estimation of overlapped signals. The problem of separating and identifying two signals that overlap in time, space or frequency is something well known in other fields (e.g. medicine and telecommunication). Blind source separation techniques are all those methods that aim at separating two or more unknown signals. This article provides a methodological review of the most common blind source separation techniques and it analyses whether they can be successfully applied to overlapped gravitational wave signals or not, while comparing the limits and advantages of each method.