The INTEGRAL hard X-ray surveys have proven to be of fundamental importance. INTEGRAL has mapped the Galactic plane with its large field of view and excellent sensitivity. Such hard X-ray snapshots of the whole Milky Way on a time scale of a year are beyond the capabilities of past and current narrow-FOV grazing incidence X-ray telescopes. By expanding the INTEGRAL X-ray survey into shorter timescales, a productive search for transient X-ray emitters was made possible. In more than fifteen years of operation, the INTEGRAL observatory has given us a sharper view of the hard X-ray sky, and provided the triggers for many follow-up campaigns from radio frequencies to gamma-rays. In addition to conducting a census of hard X-ray sources across the entire sky, INTEGRAL has carried out, through Earth occultation manoeuvres, unique observations of the large-scale cosmic X-ray background, which will without question be included in the annals of X-ray astronomy as one of the mission’s most salient contribution to our understanding of the hard X-ray sky.
At the time of defining the science objectives of the INTernational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL), such a rapid and spectacular development of multi-messenger astronomy could not have been predicted, with new impulsive phenomena becoming accessible through different channels. Neutrino telescopes have routinely detected energetic neutrino events coming from unknown cosmic sources since 2013. Gravitational wave detectors opened a novel window on the sky in 2015 with the detection of the merging of two black holes and in 2017 with the merging of two neutron stars, followed by signals in the full electromagnetic range. Finally, since 2007, radio telescopes detected extremely intense and short burst of radio waves, known as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) whose origin is for most cases extragalactic, but enigmatic. The exceptionally robust and versatile design of the INTEGRAL mission has allowed researchers to exploit data collected not only with the pointed instruments, but also with the active cosmic-ray shields of the main instruments to detect impulses of gamma-rays in coincidence with unpredictable phenomena. The full-sky coverage, mostly unocculted by the Earth, the large effective area, the stable background, and the high duty cycle (85%) put INTEGRAL in a privileged position to give a major contribution to multi-messenger astronomy. In this review, we describe how INTEGRAL has provided upper limits on the gamma-ray emission from black-hole binary mergers, detected a short gamma-ray burst in coincidence with a binary neutron star merger, contributed to define the spectral energy distribution of a blazar associated with a neutrino event, set upper limits on impulsive and steady gamma-ray emission from cosmological FRBs, and detected a magnetar flare associated with fast radio bursting emission.
We review the current observational status and theoretical interpretations for the class of broad lines type Ic supernovae. They are characterized by fast photospheric expansion and lack of H and He absorption. They have a larger than normal energy budget, suggesting that they are powered or, at least, augmented by a central engine, like a magnetar or an accreting black hole. There appears therefore to be a link between these supernovae and long-duration gamma-ray bursts. However, its nature has not been satisfactorily demystified.
In the last 25 years a new generation of X-ray satellites imparted a significant leap forward in our knowledge of X-ray pulsars. The discovery of accreting and transitional millisecond pulsars proved that disk accretion can spin up a neutron star to a very high rotation speed. The detection of MeV-GeV pulsed emission from a few hundreds of rotation-powered pulsars probed particle acceleration in the outer magnetosphere, or even beyond. Also, a population of two dozens of magnetars has emerged. INTEGRAL played a central role to achieve these results by providing instruments with high temporal resolution up to the hard X-ray/soft, γ-ray band and a large field of view imager with good angular resolution to spot hard X-ray transients. In this article we review the main contributions by INTEGRAL to our understanding of the pulsating hard X-ray sky, such as the discovery and characterization of several accreting and transitional millisecond pulsars, the generation of the first catalog of hard X-ray/soft γ-ray rotation-powered pulsars, the detection of polarization in the hard X-ray emission from the Crab pulsar, and the discovery of persistent hard X-ray emission from several magnetars.
Accreting white dwarfs (WDs) constitute a significant fraction of the hard X-ray sources detected by the INTEGRAL observatory. Most of them are magnetic Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) of the intermediate polar (IP) and polar types, but the contribution of the Nova-likes systems and the systems with optically thin boundary layers, Dwarf Novae (DNs) and Symbiotic Binaries (or Symbiotic Stars, SySs) in quiescence is also not negligible. Here we present a short review of the results obtained from the observations of cataclysmic variables and symbiotic binaries by INTEGRAL. The highlight results include the significant increase of the known IP population, determination of the WD mass for a significant fraction of IPs, the establishment of the luminosity function of magnetic CVs, and uncovering origin of the Galactic ridge X-ray emission which appears to largely be associated with hard emission from magnetic CVs.
OB associations are unbound groups of young stars made prominent by their bright OB members, and have long been thought to be the expanded remnants of dense star clusters. They have been important in astrophysics for over a century thanks to their luminous massive stars, though their low-mass members have not been well studied until the last couple of decades. This has changed thanks to data from X-ray observations, spectroscopic surveys and astrometry from Gaia that allows their full stellar content to be identified and their dynamics to be studied, which in turn is leading to changes in our understanding of these systems and their origins, with the old picture of Blaauw (1964a) now being superseded. It is clear now that OB associations have considerably more substructure than once envisioned, both spatially, kinematically and temporally. These changes have implications for the star formation process, the formation and evolution of planetary systems, and the build-up of stellar populations across galaxies.