Racial disparities in the prevalence of periodontal disease are consistent and persistent. The epidemiology of periodontal disease demonstrates racial inequities: non-Hispanic Black (14.7%), Mexican American (13.4%), and other Hispanic adults (7.8%) experience a higher prevalence of severe periodontal disease than non-Hispanic White adults (5.9%). Epidemiologic and clinical research on periodontal health suffers from the same problem that has plagued the health equity movement, an over emphasis on describing racial inequities coupled with few interventions that reduce racial health inequity. Over the decades that racial inequities in periodontal disease have been observed, many have argued that systemic racism is the fundamental driver of racial health inequity. This paper interrogates the roles of systemic racism, dental education, clinical treatment, and patient behavior in periodontal disease. We describe how, together, these mechanisms contribute to racial disparities in periodontal outcomes. However, it is insufficient for oral health equity scientists to only describe and discuss the negative effects of systemic racism. The imperative is to create antiracist strategies designed to eliminate systemic racism. Health equity scientists must also specify how dental systems operate in a racist manner and create effective clinical strategies designed to reduce racial disparities in periodontal disease.
Post-treatment change in the form of true relapse and physiological and maturational effects is common following orthodontics. The unpredictable nature of these manifestations dictates a conservative, near-universal approach to retention. Both fixed and removable forms of retention are popular with the latter constrained by variable levels of adherence particularly in the medium- to long-term. Fixed retention may offer a more predictable means of preservation of orthodontic outcomes; however, this advantage is offset by the requirement for prolonged supervision and the potential for adverse changes including periodontal breakdown. Nevertheless, while examples of severe complications are common, a clear causal relationship between intact, passive retainers and periodontal issues does not appear to exist. Nevertheless, the importance of diligent maintenance and careful supervision during fixed retention, in particular, cannot be disregarded.
Understanding the impact of oral health on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) will inform how best to manage patients with both periodontitis and RA. This review seeks to provide an update on interventional and mechanistic investigations, including a brief summary of European Research programs investigating the link between periodontitis and RA. Recent clinical studies are described that evaluate how the treatment of one disease impacts on the other, as are studies in both humans and animal models that have sought to identify the potential mechanisms linking the two diseases.
The recognition and importance of immune cells during bone regeneration, including around bone biomaterials, has led to the development of an entire field termed "osteoimmunology," which focuses on the connection and interplay between the skeletal system and immune cells. Most studies have focused on the "osteogenic" capacity of various types of bone biomaterials, and much less focus has been placed on immune cells despite being the first cell type in contact with implantable devices. Thus, the amount of literature generated to date on this topic makes it challenging to extract needed information. This review article serves as a guide highlighting advancements made in the field of osteoimmunology emphasizing the role of the osteoimmunomodulatory properties of biomaterials and their impact on osteoinduction. First, the various immune cell types involved in bone biomaterial integration are discussed, including the prominent role of osteal macrophages (OsteoMacs) during bone regeneration. Thereafter, key biomaterial properties, including topography, wettability, surface charge, and adsorption of cytokines, growth factors, ions, and other bioactive molecules, are discussed in terms of their impact on immune responses. These findings highlight and recognize the importance of the immune system and osteoimmunology, leading to a shift in the traditional models used to understand and evaluate biomaterials for bone regeneration.
Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) has been characterized as a regenerative biomaterial that is fully resorbed within a typical 2-3 week period. Very recently, however, a novel heating process was shown to extend the working properties of PRP/PRF from a standard 2-3 week period toward a duration of 4-6 months. Numerous clinicians have now utilized this extended-PRF (e-PRF) membrane as a substitute for collagen barrier membranes in various clinical applications, such as guided tissue/bone regeneration. This review article summarizes the scientific work to date on this novel technology, including its current and future applications in periodontology, implant dentistry, orthopedics and facial aesthetics. A systematic review was conducted investigating key terms including "Bio-Heat," "albumin gel," "albumin-PRF," "Alb-PRF," "extended-PRF," "e-PRF," "activated plasma albumin gel," and "APAG" by searching databases such as MEDLINE, EMBASE and PubMed. Findings from preclinical studies demonstrate that following a simple 10-min heating process, the transformation of the liquid plasma albumin layer into a gel-like injectable albumin gel extends the resorption properties to at least 4 months according to ISO standard 10 993 (subcutaneous animal model). Several clinical studies have now demonstrated the use of e-PRF membranes as a replacement for collagen membranes in GTR/GBR procedures, closing lateral windows in sinus grafting procedures, for extraction site management, and as a stable biological membrane during recession coverage procedures. Furthermore, Alb-PRF may also be injected as a regenerative biological filler that lasts extended periods with advantages in joint injections, osteoarthritis and in the field of facial aesthetics. This article highlights the marked improvement in the stability and degradation properties of the novel Alb-PRF/e-PRF technology with its widespread future potential use as a potential replacement for collagen membranes with indications including extraction site management, GBR procedures, lateral sinus window closure, recession coverage among others, and further highlights its use as a biological regenerative filler for joint injections and facial aesthetics. It is hoped that this review will pioneer future opportunities and research development in the field, leading to further progression toward more natural and less costly biomaterials for use in medicine and dentistry.
Exosomes are the smallest subset of extracellular signaling vesicles secreted by most cells with the ability to communicate with other tissues and cell types over long distances. Their use in regenerative medicine has gained tremendous momentum recently due to their ability to be utilized as therapeutic options for a wide array of various diseases. Over 5000 publications are currently being published on this topic yearly, many of which in the dental space. This extensive review article is the first scoping review aimed at summarizing all therapeutic uses of exosomes in regenerative dentistry. A total of 944 articles were identified as using exosomes in the dental field for either their regenerative/therapeutic potential or for diagnostic purposes derived from the oral cavity. In total, 113 research articles were selected for their regenerative potential (102 in vitro, 60 in vivo, 50 studies included both). Therapeutic exosomes were most commonly derived from dental pulps, periodontal ligament cells, gingival fibroblasts, stem cells from exfoliated deciduous teeth, and the apical papilla which have all been shown to facilitate the regenerative potential of a number of tissues including bone, cementum, the periodontal ligament, nerves, aid in orthodontic tooth movement, and relieve temporomandibular joint disorders, among others. Results demonstrate that the use of exosomes led to positive outcomes in 100% of studies. In the bone field, exosomes were found to perform equally as well or better than rhBMP2 while significantly reducing inflammation. Periodontitis animal models were treated with simple gingival injections of exosomes and benefits were even observed when the exosomes were administered intravenously. Exosomes are much more stable than growth factors and were shown to be far more resistant against degradation by periodontal pathogens found routinely in a periodontitis environment. Comparative studies in the field of periodontal regeneration found better outcomes for exosomes even when compared to their native parent stem cells. In total 47 diagnostic studies revealed a role for salivary/crevicular fluid exosomes for the diagnosis of birth defects, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, gingival recession detection, gingivitis, irritable bowel syndrome, neurodegenerative disease, oral lichen planus, oral squamous cell carcinoma, oropharyngeal cancer detection, orthodontic root resorption, pancreatic cancer, periodontitis, peri-implantitis, Sjögren syndrome, and various systemic diseases. Hence, we characterize the exosomes as possessing "remarkable" potential, serving as a valuable tool for clinicians with significant advantages.
The use of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) has seen widespread advantages over platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in many fields of medicine. However, until 2014, PRF remained clinically available only in its solid clotted form. Modifications to centrifugation protocols and tube technology have led to the development of a liquid injectable version of PRF (i-PRF). This narrative review takes a look back at the technological developments made throughout the past decade and further elaborates on their future clinical applications. Topics covered include improvements in isolation techniques and protocols, ways to further concentrate i-PRF, and the clinical impact and relevance of cooling i-PRF. Next, various uses of i-PRF are discussed, including its use in regenerative periodontology, implantology, endodontics, temporomandibular joint injections, and orthodontic tooth movement. Furthermore, various indications in medicine are also covered, including its use in sports injuries and osteoarthritis of various joints, treatment of diabetic ulcers/wound care, and facial esthetics and hair regrowth. Finally, future applications are discussed, mainly its use as a drug delivery vehicle for small biomolecules, such as growth factors, antibiotics, exosomes, and other medications that may benefit from the controlled and gradual release of biomolecules over time.
The aim of this study was to investigate the biological outcomes of bone-level implants restored with long vs. short abutments, with regard to the 'one abutment at one time' protocol. The systematic search was performed in five databases: MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, Web of Science, Scopus, and CENTRAL for randomized controlled trials up to January 14, 2023. Data were collected for marginal bone loss, bleeding on probing, and probing pocket depth by two reviewers. As effect size measure, mean difference (MD), and risk ratio (RR) were used for continuous and categorical outcomes, R-statistics software was used for conducting statistical analyses. For quality and certainty assessment, Risk of Bias Tool 2, ROBINS-I, and GRADE approach were used. The search resulted in 4055 records without any duplicates. After title, abstract, and full-text analysis, eight articles were found eligible for inclusion. Bone-level and platform-switched implants presented less marginal bone loss after 6 months and 1 year as well, when long abutments were used (MD 0.63, 95% CI: [-0.16; 1.42]) and (MD 0.26, 95% CI: [-0.02; 0.53]). However, subgroup analysis revealed no difference in marginal bone loss when applying 'one abutment at one time' protocol (p = 0.973). Bleeding on probing and probing pocket depth presented similarly good results in both groups without almost any differences (RR 0.97, 95% CI: [0.76; 1.23]) and (MD -0.05, 95% CI: [-1.11; 1.01]). Longer abutments on bone-level implants seem to be a favorable choice for decreasing early marginal bone loss, irrespective of connection timing.