Growing evidence has indicated a potential association between maternal consumption of caffeine and impaired cognition and behavior in rodent offspring. However, potential sex differences, as well as caffeine-related effects in subsequent generations are still poorly investigated. We aimed to investigate the impact of pre-and/or neonatal exposition to caffeine on the neurodevelopment of male and female mice offspring. Adult female Swiss mice were randomly divided into four experimental groups, which received, via gavage, water or caffeine (120 mg/day). Control/control (CC) received water during pregnancy and lactation; treated/control (TC): received caffeine during pregnancy and water during lactation; control/treated (CT): received water during pregnancy and caffeine during lactation; treated/treated (TT): received caffeine during pregnancy and lactation. Dams were euthanized at gestational day 17.5 and fetal brains were collected. Adult mice of F1 and F2 generations were submitted to behavioral analysis and their pre-frontal cortex and hippocampi were dissected to measure the levels of BDNF and CX3CL1. Caffeine induced reduction of CX3CL1 levels in female fetuses compared with controls. Maternal intake of caffeine was associated with anxiety- and compulsive-like behavior in both F1 and F2 female mice offspring. Interestingly, only F2 female mice exhibited caffeine-induced impairment of work memory. Hippocampal levels of CX3CL1 and BDNF were decreased in female F1TT and F2TT groups; while among males exposed to caffeine, only F1 offspring had reduced hippocampal CX3CL1 levels. Our results suggest that both pre- and neonatal exposition to caffeine lead to long-term behavioral and neurochemical impairments in a sex-dependent manner, adversely affecting the subsequent female generation.