Spinal cord infarction (SCI) is a rare disease representing nearly 1% of all strokes with a wide variety of symptoms at presentation. SCI diagnosis is very challenging owing to its low incidence and the variety of symptoms, and could be misdiagnosed with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD).
Case presentation
We describe the case of an 18-year-old girl who presented to the emergency department with acute neck pain and flaccid paralysis of the left upper and lower extremities. Few hours later, she developed apnea and was endotracheally intubated. Brain MRI was normal but spinal cord MRI revealed non-enhancing longitudinal abnormal high T2 signal intensity extending from C1 to C5. The patient underwent steroid therapy with methylprednisolone (1 g daily for 7 consecutive days) combined with physiotherapy. She was extubated after 3 weeks and discharged after 30 days of hospitalization with a muscle force of 4/5 in her left extremities.
Idiopathic SCI in adolescence is a rare but often devastating disorder with unknown pathophysiology, however, some specific conditions in adolescent such as mechanical stresses on the immature spine can be considered as risk factors for SCI development. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve outcomes in SCI.