Background: Trauma is common in the United States, increases risk of long-term adverse health effects, and individuals who experience it often find seeking medical care difficult. Trauma-informed care (TIC) builds trust and fosters healing relationships between clinicians and patients; however medical education has lacked consistent training in TIC. Using recently published competencies for undergraduate medical education (UME), this manuscript provides curricular examples across 8 domains to assist faculty in developing educational content.
Methods: The authors identified published curricula for each of the 8 competency domains using a published search strategy and publicly available database. Inclusion criteria were published works focused on UME in the United States; abstracts and curricula not focused on UME were excluded. The authors used a consensus-based process to review 15 eligible curricula for mapping with the competencies.
Results: Of 15 published UME curricula, 11 met criteria and exemplify each of the 8 UME competency domains. Most of the available curricula fall into the Knowledge for Practice and Patient Care domains. Most were offered in the first 2 years of medical school.
Conclusion: Competency-based medical education for TIC is new, and most current educational offerings are foundational in nature. Additional innovation is needed in the competency domains of Professionalism, Systems-Based Practice, Interprofessional Collaboration, and Personal/Professional Development. This manuscript offers a set of curricular examples that can be used to aid efforts at implementing TIC competencies in UME; future work must focus on improving assessment methods and developmental sequencing as more students are exposed to TIC principles.