This artistic research is conducted to explore face and body painting techniques. Its application to the model in fashion batik fashion show. Face painting is a painting that only uses the face as a medium (the field to be painted), while the body painting medium is the whole body from the neck to the feet. The creation process model refers to contemporary art in which art barriers are not limited to a combination of face and body painting, batik fashion art wear, dance art and music art, which is packaged in the form of a fashion show. Kind of batik fashion art wear is selected batik carnival fashion, glamorous batik fashion, Fashion Batik Klasic and fashion batik casual. The four forms of fashion batik is chosen because it is often displayed in the event of a major fashion show in the city of Solo.
Creation methods include Exploration (Observation, exploration of objects and the subject of creation), Improvisation (Experiments to make sketches of face design and body painting), Embodiments (creation of works and Fashion show performances). Creation of the work of face and body painting is expected to be able to produce artwork face and body painting the right model used in batik fashion art wear fashion, and able to add artistic batik fashion art fashion wear.
Keywords: Face painting, body painting, fashion, batik, artistic, art wear.
Wayang purwa is a Javanese art and culture product. The existence of wayang purwa in Javanese culture is very influential on the life of Javanese society. Variants of wayang that can be found today is one of them is a puppet image made by Suripno. The process of creating Suripno puppet shapes also can not be separated from the experience and knowledge of Suripno as the maker. The method used in this study is an ethnographic method that emphasizes the observation of behavior, interviews and artifacts.
Suripno's wayang pictures are an expression of his inward appreciation to the characters, mythology and the wayang story. Viewed from the perspective of taste in the Javanese culture aesthetics Suripno puppet pictures are a non-sensory aesthetic based on sense of appreciation, protection, tranquility, evenness and irony.
Keywords: Suripno, puppet image, aesthetics, taste, Javanese culture.
Metal Crafts in Tumang, Cepogo, Boyolali, is one of the nation's cultural assets that has been passed down through generations from generation to generation, which is still occupied by the majority of Tumang people. The tradition of making products in Tumang metal handicrafts has undergone significant changes, where from the beginning of its establishment until before the 1960s, the results of products oriented to household items, then in the early 1970s until now have experienced object-oriented product changes ornamental.
Factors that cause cultural change through new products include: internal and external factors, impulses and direction of the process of change (innovation), as well as various phenomena of socio-cultural change. Internal factors are driven by the creativity of metal craft makers, while external factors are triggered by scholars, artists, or other innovation figures.
Changes in Tumang metal handicraft products have implications for the community, marked by a professional division of labor and the establishment of new institutions. The existence of metal crafts in Tumang, as an art product in society is still accepted in accordance with the development and changes in civilization of its supporting society.
Keywords: crafts, metals, Tumang, changes and products