Introduction: In the Italian and European literature there are still few studies describing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the organization of nursing care in hospitals, on the actions taken by nursing leaders to contain it, and on the outcomes of these interventions.
Aim: To describe nursing leaders' experiences with reorganizing healthcare pathways, through management data and personal accounts.
Methods: A retrospective quali-quantitative observational study was conducted at the Mauriziano Hospital in Turin, with 484 beds and over 1,700 workers. Quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive statistical indices and integrated with qualitative data collected through semi-structured telephone interviews. The analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data provided an objective and experiential representation of the implemented interventions.
Results: We described the impact of interventions introduced by the nursing leadership during the pandemic on hospital services. In particular, the reorganization of the emergency department and of the prevention and psychological support services for the hospital's health workers. In addition, specific initiatives to support the discharge of COVID-19 positive patients, and to support and manage contacts with family members both during the hospitalization of their loved ones and following death are described.
Discussion and conclusion: This study contributes to the discussion on some crucial issues: the increasingly clear relationship between adequate staffing and safety of patients and professionals, the importance of a good working environment and a solid leadership, the importance of continuing education for professionals and adequate skill mixes; all highlighted by the pandemic.
Background: Media play a key part in shaping nurses' social perception. Newspapers were chosen as the subject of this content analysis, as they are the main resource that Italians use to inform themselves. For this reason, ne wspapers are an appropriate resource to analyse the image of the nurse that, as found in literature, is seen as a dynamic phenomenon that changes according to different scenarios. Given the media focus on nurses during COVID- 19 it seems reasonable to analyse what nurse image was emerged.
Method: A Content Analysis with an inductive process was conducted. The analysis' objective was to evaluate the image of the nurse in national and local newspapers, published between the 30th of January and the 18th of May 2020. A triangulation methodology was used between the two researchers to ensure data quality.
R esults: Five themes were identified. The risks for the nurse's psycho-physic wellbeing. Taking responsibility and human relations despite barriers. The acknowledgment of professional attributes. Uncertainty on the continuity of the nurses' social role emerged from the media. Nurses only wish to be appreciated for what they do. The agreement between the researchers on the themes has a Krippendor ff 's alpha between =0.713 and =0.985.
Conclusions: The media's interest highlighted the nurses' competence in assisting patients with COVID-19. However, there isn't in-depth analysis, of the contemporar y image of the nurse, specifically in relation to leadership. Positive and negative tropes are recalled. The superficiality and fragility of the mediatic phenomena emerged, as opposed to a real positive strengthening of the nurse's social perception.
Background: Nursing students represent an important resource both for the patients and for the company organization; however, the impact of their presence on the quality of care is still underestimated.
Objective: To provide an objective assessment of the quality of care perceived by the patient admitted to hospital departments where internships are held for nursing students.
Method: A descriptive observational study was conducted, recruiting a convenience sample made up of patients hospitalized in clinical departments where internships for nursing students of La Fe Hospital in Valencia (ES) are located.
Results: 75 patients out of 160 hospitalized partecipated to the survey, with a response rate equal to 46.87%. Most patients believe that nurses have careless attitudes towards them (42.9%) even though there is a noticeable emotional support from nurses perceived by patients (90.1%). The degree of relationship and information perceived by patients (96%) suggests that nurses in most cases guaranteed confidentiality and the assistance time employed (70.5%) was perceived as longer than usual, defining a high opinion of patients about the treatment received.
Conclusions: The data showed that patients were very keen to be taken into consideration from a social and human point of view and not only from a clinical point of view, so much so that they claimed to perceive a careless attitude from nurses. Despite this, however, the perceived quality of nursing care by the patient was not affected. Regarding the presence of the trainee student, being the latter in the Spanish reality totally flanked by that of the nurse, almost in symbiosis, the degree of attention perceived by the patient in relation to the assistance provided does not vary.