Immersive reality refers to digital experiences that immerse users in simulated environments, creating a sense of presence and active participation. It is an interesting tool for health sciences education. Since it is little incorporated into educational units, the opportunity for implementation arises.
Describe the process of implementing immersive reality within the UC Dentistry academic unit.
The implementation was developed in four stages: a) structured review of educational projects with the use of immersive reality b) conversion of analogue models to digital c) selection of immersive reality technological platform; d) integration with learning management system. A structured review was carried out to collect evidence on the topic according to the PRISMA recommendation. At the same time, plaster models of dental arches were selected and digitized to be integrated into a learning management system.
Thirty articles were selected which provided eight criteria for selecting immersive platforms. Twenty models were digitized and incorporated into Sketchfab, making them available for teaching.
As a result of the implementation, a repository of digital models with immersive reality is created that meets the criteria recommended by the publications. The review of the literature indicates that this technology provides benefits for the training of students.