Instructional technology has offered faculty new and innovative ways in which to prepare and deliver learning materials to students online. Although online learning has been a part of the higher education landscape, it has not been traditionally utilized by health science faculty to its fullest capacity.
Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study was to examine health science faculty perceptions regarding their readiness to teach online.
Methods: This study employed a mixed method design using a sequential explanatory framework. Faculty readiness was identified by their attitude regarding competencies and ability perceptions using the Faculty Readiness to Teach Online (FRTO) instrument.
Results: Health science faculty have limited training in teaching online, and there is a significant difference in perceptions and attitudes towards which competencies in remote instruction are critical to focus on.
Outcomes: Findings confirm the online instruction training needs of health science faculty that will support engagement of health science students as adult learners both meaningfully and effectively now and in the future.