Hydride reorientation, which occurs under hoop stress during cooling, stands out as a primary mechanism for material degradation in spent fuel management. The radial hydride fraction (RHF) is strongly involved in the mechanical integrity of cladding, highlighting the necessity for a robust modeling framework for quantitative analysis. However, the predictability of previous thermodynamic models for hydride reorientation in reactor-grade Cold Worked Stress Relieved (CWSR) Zircaloy has been hindered due to the intricate nature of hydride reorientation and the difficulties in characterizing microstructures. Recent successful EBSD characterization of reactor-grade CWSR Zircaloy has revealed valuable insights into microstructural characteristics of hydrides, enabling advancements in the modeling framework of hydride reorientation. This study aims to develop a thermodynamic model specifically focused on predicting the RHF. The developed thermodynamic model, based on classical nucleation theory, integrates aforementioned microstructural findings, combined with the Hydride-Nucleation-Growth-Dissolution (HNGD) model to capture transient precipitation behavior during cooling. Extensive experimental validations demonstrate enhanced predictability of the model. Additionally, the study examines the sensitivities of hydride reorientation to hydrogen concentration, applied stress, and cooling rate. It also provides predictions on reorientation behavior for engineering implications such as extension of wet storage, matrix hardening, recrystallization, and thermal cycling, supported by plausible explanations rooted in the underlying physical mechanisms elucidated through the model.