Food texture is a critical consideration in the development of food for older adults. This study focuses on the texture characterization of semi-solid foods tailored for older individuals with chewing/swallowing difficulties. The research involved sensory texture analysis of various semi-solid food products. Eighteen sensory texture attributes perceived at different stages of the ingestion process were developed. The intensities of these attributes were rated on a 15-point scale for each product. Instrumental texture analysis was also conducted, measuring hardness and viscosity according to standards for senior-friendly foods set by the Korean Industrial Standards (KIS). A back extrusion test profiled the product attributes on 17 texture parameters. These instrumental results were correlated with the sensory data using multiple factor analysis. Using the hierarchical clustering method, the products were categorized into three groups based on texture similarities. Results showed that all samples satisfied the level three criteria (masticatable with tongue) of the KIS for senior-friendly food. Positive correlations were observed between force-related parameters and sensory hardness, as well as parameters related to distance and viscosity. The texture profiling methods developed and the texture properties of the semi-solid samples profiled provide standards and references for the development of food for older people.