The aim of this review was to know the existing scientific production on therapeutic exercise in older adults. A bibliographic search was carried out on 2023 January in Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science and Sportdiscus databases. Selection criteria were: people aged 65 and above, healthy or with any pathology, and therapeutic exercise programs exclusive or associated with other complications. Language, publication date, and study design were not limited. Data extracted were: year, study type, design and methodology, country of the study and specialty of the journal where it was published.
1094 studies were obtained from 1967 to 2021. The scientific production had a slow evolution until the 2010s when the number of articles began to be significant. According to the types of study, 6.9% were systematic review, 90% research studies, 0.5% opinion studies, and 2.6% other types of studies. The most abundant specialties are geriatrics and gerontology (38.8%), and rehabilitation (16.1%), concentrating more than 50% of the total production. According to the study countries, only 4 concentrated 50% of the publications: the United States (29.16%), Australia (7.95%), Canada (7.31%) and the United Kingdom (6.95%).