Objective: Planning reliable long-term planning actions to handle disruptive events requires a timely development of technological infrastructures, as well as the set-up of focused strategies for emergency management. The paper aims to highlight the needs for standardization, integration, and interoperability between Accident & Emergency Informatics (A&EI) and One Digital Health (ODH), as fields capable of dealing with peculiar dynamics for a technology-boosted management of emergencies under an overarching One Health panorama.
Methods: An integrative analysis of the literature was conducted to draw attention to specific foci on the correlation between ODH and A&EI, in particular: (i) the management of disruptive events from private smart spaces to diseases spreading, and (ii) the concepts of (health-related) quality of life and well-being.
Results: A digitally-focused management of emergency events that tackles the inextricable interconnectedness between humans, animals, and surrounding environment, demands standardization, integration, and systems interoperability. A consistent and finalized process of adoption and implementation of methods and tools from the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN), via findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) data principles, to Medical Informatics and Digital Health Multilingual Ontology (MIMO) - capable of looking at different approaches to encourage the integration between the ODH framework and the A&EI vision, provides a first answer to these needs.
Conclusions: ODH and A&EI look at different scales but with similar goals for converging health and environmental-related data management standards to enable multi-sources, interdisciplinary, and real-time data integration and interoperability. This allows holistic digital health both in routine and emergency events.