Background: At many hospitals, the cesarean birth rate among nulliparous term singleton vertex (NTSV) pregnancies is higher than World Health Organization benchmarks. Reducing NTSV cesarean birth is a national quality imperative. The aim of this initiative was to implement an evidence-based bundle at an urban community teaching hospital in at least 50% of labors in 60 days in order to reduce early labor admissions and increase adherence to evidence-based labor management guidelines shown to decrease cesarean birth.
Methods: Chart audits, root-cause analysis, and staff engagement informed bundle development. An early labor triage guide, labor walking path, partograph, and pre-cesarean checklist were implemented to drive change. Four Rapid Cycle Plan Do Study Act cycles were conducted over 8 weeks.
Results: The bundle was implemented in 58% of births. The bundle reduced early labor admissions labor from 41% to 25%. Team knowledge reflecting current guidelines in labor management increased 35% and 100% of cesareans for labor arrest met criteria. Patient satisfaction scores exceeded 98%.
Conclusions: Implementing an evidenced-based bundle was effective in reducing early labor admissions and increasing utilization of and adherence to labor management guidelines.
Implications for nursing: Implementation of evidence-based bundles has the potential to achieve meaningful quality improvements in maternity care.