Low back pain is a prevalent issue worldwide, impacting all healthcare professionals, in particular nurses, and leading to disability.
This study aimed to explore the predictive contribution of demographic factors, the presence of LBP, and knowledge about LBP in forecasting the level of disability among nurses in Oman.
A cross-sectional study was conducted using a paper-based questionnaire comprising two valid tools: the Low Back Pain Knowledge Questionnaire and the Oswestry Low Back Disability Questionnaire. A total of 236 nurses working in two tertiary hospitals in Oman participated in the study.
The findings indicate that 66.8% of nurses had low back pain. The low back pain knowledge score was 13.81(SD 4.42). The mean disability score was 9.13 (SD 8.56), indicating mild disability. There is a negative significant association between low back pain knowledge (r = -0.24, p < .004) and disability level. The low back pain presence was also significantly associated with disability level (t (233) = 4.606, p < .001). The results of the regression indicated the two predictors (i.e., knowledge level and low back pain) explained 13 % of the variation in nurses’ disability level [F (3,230) = 11.447, p = .01].
Low back pain is prevalent among nurses in Oman, and it is associated with disability. Preventive strategies need to be implemented.