Despite the widespread inclusion of statistics in medical school curricula as per the Liaison Committee on Medical Education requirements, the statistical competency among medical students and clinicians remains low. A 2007 study of 277 medical residents revealed only 41.1% scored correctly on a statistical knowledge survey, with minimal understanding of key concepts such as confidence intervals and adjusted odds ratios. A more recent 2023 study of 898 clinicians showed similar deficiencies in understanding efficacy, p-values, and discrimination metrics despite high confidence. This perspective argues for a paradigm shift from teaching statistical applications to focusing on statistical communication. We believe current statistics instruction lacks emphasis on communicating statistical results to patients. Teaching statistical concepts as tools for patient communication, rather than extensions of mathematics, can enhance understanding and ensure patients make informed decisions. Reframing statistical education to focus on communication could potentially address traditionally perceived learning barriers, improve understanding, and foster confidence. In this article, we outline several example reframings of teaching classical statistical concepts emphasizing interpretation and communication. Future strategies such as aligning statistics education closer to residency, revising exam content, updating accreditation requirements, and developing standardized communication primers can help ensure future clinicians are well-equipped to practice evidence-based medicine and effectively communicate statistical information in our increasingly data-driven world.