The results of an experimental study of seismic vibrations at the site for the construction of the Siberian Ring Photon Source (SKIF), which is a synchrotron radiation source of the fourth plus generation at 3 GeV and a perimeter of 480 m, have been considered. Seismic vibrations are a hindrance that reduces the accuracy of the experimental setup when studying materials with precision accuracy and resolution. The experiment was performed with broadband seismological equipment used at seismological stations. Seismic vibrations from different types of sources have been investigated: natural and man-made earthquakes, industrial explosions, noises of automobile and railway transport, vibrations from industrial equipment at enterprises located away from the facility under construction. Natural earthquakes create the strongest broadband impact on the site. Man-made earthquakes in the area of the Gorlovka coal basin can create short-term strong seismic impacts. Industrial explosions in terms of the seismic impact on the site are significantly inferior to the effects of earthquakes and are characterized by a more limited spectral composition of vibrations. The noises of motor transport cover frequencies from 4 to 30 Hz and quickly fade away along the site with distance from the road. Railway noises have the characteristic appearance of a set of multiple harmonics covering a wide frequency range with a duration of up to 10 min. Monochromatic signals from the operation of industrial equipment on and off the site are recorded at the site. At the same time, both continuous signals and those that occur episodically are recorded. A special class consists of monochromatic oscillations with a slowly varying frequency. The information on the level, spectrum, and duration of seismic vibrations necessary for calculating the seismic protection of the SKIF Central Research Center during its creation and development of a seismological monitoring system that compensates for the seismic effect on the accuracy of experiments was obtained.