This article examines the relationship between uncertainty against Industry 4.0 and job insecurity. Additionally, it explores the moderating role of perceived employability, considering the age and education level of employees. We carried out a study on a sample of 224 Chilean workers. Correlational statistical analysis and a multiple regression analysis were conducted to establish the moderation relationship between the intervening variables. Results support the role of uncertainty against Industry 4.0 as a predictor of quantitative (i.e., risk of job loss) but not qualitative job insecurity (i.e., risk of losing valued job features). Further, we found evidence for the importance of the education level of workers in the previously posed relationship. These findings have theoretical and practical implications given that the higher the education level of the worker, the higher their perceived employability, which acts as a personal resource that moderates and decreases their job insecurity perception. Thus, organizations should consider these factors when implementing new technological changes to facilitate the adaptation of workers.