First responders (e.g. firefighters, law enforcement, paramedics, corrections officers) experience high rates of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Despite the relevance of both spirituality and forgiveness to PTSD and AUD among first responders, spiritually integrated group interventions for this population are rare. This article discusses a forgiveness session of a spiritually integrated group psychotherapy protocol for first responders (SPIRIT-FR) in acute psychiatric care. This brief group psychotherapy intervention includes (a) psychoeducation about the intersection of PTSD, AUD, and forgiveness (b) discussion of the relevance of forgiveness to PTSD and AUD, and (c) the integration of spiritual beliefs and behaviors to move toward forgiveness. We discuss relevant clinical theory as well as the potential clinical application of this protocol.
This study assessed changes in therapeutic alliance and group cohesion among parents/primary caregivers enrolled in Connecting and Reflecting Experience (CARE), a short-term, group-based, mentalizing-focused parenting program designed to support a diverse community facing socioeconomic and health disparities. Caregivers (N = 44) experiencing parenting stress or parent-child relational challenges were recruited from their children's outpatient psychiatry clinic to participate in one of nine 12-session telehealth CARE groups. Caregivers completed the Working Alliance Inventory-Short Revised and the Therapeutic Factors Inventory Cohesiveness subscale after CARE Sessions 1 and 12. Ratings of group cohesion and therapeutic bond with facilitators increased significantly across treatment. Findings indicate that caregivers from underserved families with high levels of parenting stress experienced an increase in group cohesion and therapeutic alliance throughout a telehealth adaptation of CARE.
According to attachment theory and research, a supportive social or therapeutic group can assuage relational worries and promote members' sense of attachment security (or felt security, confidence that others will be supportive when needed), which is crucial for sustaining goal pursuit, social relations, and mental health. As yet, however, little is known about the group provisions that move attachment-insecure members toward greater security. In this article, we propose that the Attachment Security Enhancement Model, which was originally developed to explain attachment processes within couples, can also explain security enhancement in group settings. Within this framework, we first conceptualize the specific group provisions that are critical for fostering security among attachment-insecure members. We then discuss how a particular kind of group interactions-playful ones-might facilitate security-enhancement processes, and we present a clinical vignette illustrating the therapeutic value of such interactions.
This qualitative research refers to the patients' perspective on the therapeutic factors operating in long-term group therapy of an integrated systemic orientation (ISO). Semi-structured interviews of members of two long-term ISO psychotherapy groups were conducted in three phases: the first, second, and third year of their group psychotherapy. The research sample consisted of 13 participants. The data was analyzed through an interpretative phenomenological analysis. The results confirmed the classification of Yalom's therapeutic factors. However, an additional therapeutic factor emerged, the "development of pluralistic perspectives" that appears more clearly from the second year of therapy onward. Moreover, from the second year onward, the categories "existential factors" and "interpersonal learning" get strengthened. Limitations and future directions are discussed.
This paper offers a brief overview of the historically predominant form of psychotherapy research both for individual and group psychotherapies, the randomized control trial (RCT), and its surrounding controversies and critiques as the backdrop from which new directions in both clinical theory building and research are being pursued, including efforts at building integrative models of treatment. The paper explores one promising integrative model, namely the incorporation of process and dynamic orientations into the province of group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and identifies challenges in implementing this model.