University students with a learning disability (LD) represent a growing fraction of the student population within North America. Although past research has focused on cognitive aspects of living with an LD and/or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), social–emotional factors have received less attention. Such factors may play an important role in self-regulation of learning. This study investigated the relations among self-compassion, self-acceptance of an LD, and self-regulated learning in university students with an LD and/or ADHD. Participants were 78 university students who self-identified as possessing an LD and/or ADHD. Variables were measured using an online questionnaire. These students had lower self-compassion scores than found by researchers in other studies. Correlational analyses revealed significant associations among self-acceptance of an LD, self-compassion, and self-regulated learning.
Despite encouraging findings that show that interventions can improve students’ math understanding, achievement gaps in math often persist or even widen for students who struggle. Practitioners play a significant role in closing these achievement gaps because they have the responsibility to select or design interventions. Practitioners may wish to consider factors that influence intervention effectiveness. This study evaluated numeracy interventions and explored how features of the studies and interventions may have influenced reported effects. Exploratory analyses revealed smaller effects when only distal measures were considered (g = 0.35; SE = 0.05), or when studies reported including more than 30 percent of participants as English learners (g = 0.44; SE = 0.12). Results also indicated variable effects across the same intervention programs. Implications for practitioners related to selecting interventions are discussed.
In an era of teacher quality reforms, one overlooked area for assessing readiness for teaching is education majors’ self-efficacy for teaching reading. This gap is unfortunate, as teaching reading is a common responsibility among general and special education teachers. In the current push for RTI—one in which more general education teachers are increasingly called upon to provide reading support to students with learning disabilities, in addition to the support received from special educators—it is important to determine preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching reading. Self-efficacy is an important construct to consider as it is related to eventual teacher attrition. The purpose of the current study was to develop a scale to measure elementary and special education majors’ self-efficacy for teaching reading. With a sample of 110 education majors, a three-factor scale was developed and demonstrated strong psychometric properties. Implications for the future of teacher education programs are discussed.
This article is about a school-district-initiated partnership with university faculty and their effort to implement a mathematics multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). In addition to reporting research about MTSS implementation, we describe how this district translated research into practice. We also share the perceptions of key stakeholders about implementing mathematics MTSS in their district. We found that stakeholders identified time and human capacity as barriers to implementation, while the primary facilitator to implementation was identified as the acquisition of concrete strategies and tools supporting instruction. These stakeholder perceptions have implications for other districts with limited resources attempting to implement mathematics MTSS in their buildings through professional development and coaching.