Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to share lessons learned from a quality improvement (QI) project that studied pediatric pain assessment scores after implementing additional evidence-based pain mitigation strategies into practice. Most nurses will acknowledge they implement some practices to mitigate pain during injections. Addressing pain during vaccination is important to prevent needle fear, vaccine hesitancy and health care avoidance. The aim of this project was to reduce pain as evidenced by pain scores at the time of vaccination at the North Bay Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic (NBNPLC).
Design/methodology/approach: The design for this study was quasi-experimental utilizing descriptive statistics and QI tools. The NBNPLC utilized the model for improvement to test change ideas. A validated observation tool to assess pain during vaccination with the pediatric population (revised Face Legs Activity Cry and Consolability) was used to test changes. The team deliberately planned improvements according to best practice guidelines to optimize use of strategies to mitigate pain during injections. QI tools and leadership skills were utilized to improve the pediatric experience of pain during vaccinations. Parents and clinicians provided qualitative and quantitative feedback to the project.
Findings: Nurses tested pain assessment tools and agreed to use a validated tool to assess pain during vaccinations. Parents agreed to use of topical anesthetic during vaccinations. Improved pain scores during vaccinations were demonstrated with the use of topical anesthetic. Parents agreed to use of standardized sucrose solution during vaccination. Reduced pain scores were observed with the use of standardized sucrose water. To sustain implementation of the guideline, a nursing documentation form was devised with nurses agreeing to ongoing use of the form.
Research limitations/implications: This is a QI project that examined the intricacies of moving clinical practice guidelines into clinical practice. The project validates guidelines for pain management during vaccinations. Leaders within clinics who want to improve pediatric pain during vaccinations will find this paper helpful as a guide.
Practical implications: Pain management in the pediatric population will be touched on in the context of parental expectations of pain. QI tools, lessons learned and suggestions for nurses will be outlined. Leadership plays an influential role in translating practice guidelines into practice.
Originality/value: This paper outlines how organizational supports were instrumental to give clinicians time to deliberately challenge practice to improve quality of care of children during vaccinations.