Abstract: Carinal resection of tumour involving trachea and carina remains as a challenge for thoracic surgeons and anaesthesiologists. Resection is technically demanding and can be associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In this case report, we describe the successful management of carinal tumour with carinal resection in a 45-year-old female. The tumour was involving lowermost trachea, carina and bilateral primary bronchi causing 60% narrowing of the lower trachea just before carina, more than 90% narrowing of right main bronchus and 50% luminal narrowing of left main bronchus. Carinal resection and reconstruction were successfully performed under general anaesthesia. Patient was managed with conventional orotracheal intubation with Micro laryngeal endotracheal tube and positioned in left principal bronchus railroaded over a paediatric bronchoscope for lung isolation. After thoracotomy, the left main bronchus was intubated directly across the operative field with a sterile flexometallic endotracheal tube. With intermittent ventilation, anastomosis was completed. During anastomosis Micro laryngeal endotracheal tube cuff was damaged twice and we had to reintubate the patient twice in lateral position itself. At the end of anastomoses, flexometallic tube was removed and wound repaired. After confirming no leakage at anastomotic site, Micro laryngeal endotracheal tube was removed and Laryngeal Mask Airway was inserted and bronchial toileting done with adult bronchoscope. Meticulous planning and communication between the anaesthesia and surgical teams are mandatory for the safe and successful anaesthetic management of carinal resection surgeries.