Misinformation about mRNA vaccination is a barrier in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, authorities often rely on text-based refutations as a countermeasure. In two experiments (N = 2,444), text-based refutations effectively reduced the belief in misinformation and immunized participants against the impact of a misleading social media post. However, a follow-up (N = 817) questions the longevity of these debunking and prebunking effects. Moreover, the studies reveal potential pitfalls by showing a row of unintended effects of the refutations (lacking effect on intentions, backfire-effects among religious groups, and biased judgments when omitting information about vaccine side effects).
This study tested the utility of risk information seeking and processing (RISP) model in understanding college students' information seeking about COVID-19 vaccines and their vaccination behavior. Participants (N = 158) completed a survey measuring the RISP constructs at Time 1 and their COVID-19 vaccination behavior at Time 2. The RISP model explained 71.1% of the variance in COVID-19 vaccine information seeking. Risk information seeking and attitude toward the COVID-19 vaccine positively influenced college students' intentions to get the vaccine, which positively predicted their vaccination behavior. Overall, these variables explained 33.4% of the variance in COVID-19 vaccine intention, and 37.2% of the variance in COVID-19 vaccination behavior.
Research shows that health misinformation is widespread online and poses a potentially significant threat to public health. Visual misinformation has been largely overlooked, a notable gap given the unique features and ubiquity of visual content. In this essay, we (a) provide a working definition of visual misinformation, (b) summarize the main categories of visual misinformation, (c) offer examples of the functions visuals can serve within misinformation content, and (d) outline priorities for advancing research on visual misinformation. A systematic approach to studying visual misinformation can improve efforts to mitigate health misinformation and optimize science communication in the current information environment.