Background: Despite their rarity, malignant odontogenic tumors (MOT) represent an important group of oral lesions characterized by their variable clinical presentations and sometimes unexpected biological behavior.
Objectives: The purpose of this retrospective cross-sectional study was to evaluate the number, types, and frequency of MOT and to investigate the relative rate of malignant transformation in recurrent odontogenic tumors (OT).
Methodology: The records of patients diagnosed with OT in the hospital of the Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, were reviewed over 10 years (2013-2022). The OT were investigated for frequency, age, gender, site, and recurrence. The data were recorded and then analyzed using SPSS software version 25.
Results: Among 5543 oral excisions, 357 cases of them were OT, including 336 benign (94.1%) and 21 malignant neoplasms (5.9%). Among the odontogenic malignancies, 18 lesions (85.7%) appeared de novo, and 3 lesions (14.3%) developed as recurrent of previously classified benign tumors. A high incidence was observed in the middle and old age groups (90.4%) with a median age being 42. Slight male predilection (1.3:1) was noticed. The mandible was the highly affected site but all recurrent cases were diagnosed in the maxilla as ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma (n = 2, 66.6%) and primary intraosseous carcinoma (n = 1, 33.3%).
Conclusion: Retrospective analysis of the relative frequency of MOT and the documentation of the unusual recurrence of benign OT as a malignancy enhances our understanding of OT behavior and the need for appropriate therapy and clinical follow-up.