Insulin-derived amyloidosis (AIns), a skin complication in patients with diabetes, causes impaired insulin absorption. This systematic review aims to get a better understanding of this overlooked condition.
Comprehensive literature searches were performed in Scopus, PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science databases until June 17, 2023. From 19,343 publications, duplicate and irrelevant records were eliminated by title, and the full texts of the remaining studies were examined for validity. Clinical, pathological, and therapeutic findings were extracted from 44 papers.
Forty-four articles were studied that covered 127 insulin-treated patients with diabetes. From the 62 patients with reported age and sex, males had a mean age of 58 years, and females 68.5 years. While AIns were twice as likely to develop in men (66.13 %) as in women (33.87 %), the administered insulin dose was significantly higher in males (p = 0.017). The most common insulin injection site was the abdominal wall (77.63 %). Histological findings showed the presence of amorphous material with the occasional presence of lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, adipocytes, histocytes, and giant cells. The mean HbA1c level was 8.8 % and the need for receiving insulin was increased in AIns. Changing the site of insulin injections and/or surgically removing the nodules were the most common treatments to obtain better insulin uptake and controlled serum glucose levels.
This study highlights the importance of AIns, proper rotation of insulin injection site, and post-treatment patient follow-up to recognize and prevent the development of amyloid nodules.