We summarize our exploratory investigation into whether Machine Learning (ML) techniques applied to publicly available professional text can substantially augment strategic planning for astronomy. We find that an approach based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) using content drawn from astronomy journal papers can be used to infer high-priority research areas. While the LDA models are challenging to interpret, we find that they may be strongly associated with meaningful keywords and scientific papers which allow for human interpretation of the topic models.
Significant correlation is found between the results of applying these models to the previous decade of astronomical research (“1998–2010” corpus) and the contents of the Science Frontier Panels report which contains high-priority research areas identified by the 2010 National Academies’ Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey (“DS2010” corpus). Significant correlations also exist between model results of the 1998–2010 corpus and the submitted whitepapers to the Decadal Survey (“whitepapers” corpus). Importantly, we derive predictive metrics based on these results which can provide leading indicators of which content modeled by the topic models will become highly cited in the future. Using these identified metrics and the associations between papers and topic models it is possible to identify important papers for planners to consider.
A preliminary version of our work was presented by Thronson et al. (2021) and Thomas et al. (2022).
To enhance operational efficiency and meet experimental demands, we have developed a graphical user interface (GUI) using MATLAB for Acquiring Single Star SCIDAR Data, leveraging the software’s integrated GUI Development Environment (GUIDE) tool. This interface streamlines the preprocessing and numerical computation of the power spectrum of atmospheric speckles while providing real-time graphical representations of atmospheric parameters, including the vertical profile of the refractive index structure function . It also incorporates parameters related to adaptive optics and high angular resolution, such as seeing, enabling immediate and instantaneous visual assessment of observational conditions. Furthermore, the novelty of this GUI lies in the ease of acquiring and processing data from various atmospheric parameters. The Single Star SCIDAR (Scintillation Detection and Ranging) method relies on analyzing the scintillation of light from single stars to assess the turbulent characteristics of the atmosphere. This assessment is based on the description provided by derived from minimizing an objective function determined using the power spectrum of atmospheric speckles from single stars. For this purpose, a minimization algorithm called active-set is used.
We present the implementation of a score-matching neural network that represents a data-driven prior for non-parametric galaxy morphologies. The gradients of this prior can be incorporated in the optimization of galaxy models to aid with tasks like deconvolution, inpainting or source separation. We demonstrate this approach with modification of the multi-band modeling framework scarlet that is currently employed as deblending method in the pipelines of the HyperSuprimeCam survey and the Rubin Observatory. The addition of the prior avoids the requirement of non-differentiable constraints, which can lead to convergence failures we discovered in scarlet. We present the architecture and training details of our score-matching neural network and show with simulated Rubin-like observations that using a data-driven prior outperforms the baseline scarlet method in accuracy of total flux and morphology estimates, while maintaining excellent performance for colors. We also demonstrate significant improvements in the robustness to inaccurate initializations. The trained score models used for this analysis are publicly available at https://github.com/SampsonML/galaxygrad.
We propose a novel cosmological framework within the type modified gravity theory, incorporating a non-minimally coupled with the higher order of the Ricci scalar () as well as the trace of the energy–momentum tensor (). Therefore, our well-motivated chosen expression is , where , , and are arbitrary constants. Taking a constant jerk parameter (), we derive expressions for the deceleration parameter () and the Hubble parameter () as functions of the redshift . We constrained our model with the recent Observational Hubble Dataset (OHD), , and + OHD datasets by using the analysis of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Our model shows early deceleration followed by late-time acceleration, with the transition occurring in the redshift range . Our findings suggest that this higher-order model of gravity theory can efficiently provide a dark energy model for addressing the current scenario of cosmic acceleration.
This paper aims to formulate anisotropic cosmological solution of a non-static spherical structure with the help of gravitational decoupling scheme through minimal geometric deformation in gravity. This technique transforms only the radial metric function while the temporal component remains unchanged. Consequently, the field equations are separated into two independent arrays: one is related to the seed source and the other characterizes the extra sector. In order to derive the solution corresponding to the isotropic sector, we use the Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker cosmic model and employ the barotropic equation of state as well as power-law model. Finally, we study the impact of decoupling parameter to describe different eras of the universe through graphical analysis. It is found that physically viable and stable trends of the resulting solution are achieved for both radiation-dominated as well as matter-dominated epochs in this modified theory.
Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) provided the first evidence of an accelerated expansion of the universe and remain a valuable probe to cosmology. They are deemed standardizable candles due to the observed correlations between their luminosity and photometric quantities. This characteristic can be exploited to estimate cosmological distances after accounting for the observed variations. There is however a remaining dispersion unaccounted for in the current state-of-the-art standardization methods. In an attempt to explore this issue, we propose a simple linear 3-component rest-frame flux description for a light-curve fitter. Since SNIa intrinsic color index variations are expected to be time-dependent, our description builds upon the mathematical expression of the well-known Spectral Adaptive Light Curve Template 2 (SALT2) for rest-frame flux, whilst we drop the exponential factor and add an extra model component with time and wavelength dependencies. The model components are obtained by performing either Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Factor Analysis (FA) onto a representative training set. The constraining power of the model dubbed Pure Expansion Template for Supernovae (PETS) is evaluated and we found compatible results with SALT2 for and within 68% uncertainty between the two models, with PETS’ fit parameters exhibiting non-negligible linear correlations with SALT2’ parameters. For both PCA and FA model versions we verified that the first component mainly describes color index variations, proving it is a dominant effect on SNIa spectra. The model nuisance parameter which multiplies the color index variation-like fit parameter shows evolution with redshift in an initial binned cosmology analysis. This behavior can be due to selection effects and should be further investigated with higher redshift SNeIa samples. Overall, our model shows promise, as there are still a few aspects to be refined; however, it still falls short in reducing the unaccounted dispersion.
Choosing the right classifier is crucial for effective classification in various astronomical datasets aimed at pattern recognition. While the literature offers numerous solutions, the support vector machine (SVM) continues to be a preferred choice across many scientific fields due to its user-friendliness. In this study, we introduce a novel approach using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as an alternative to SVMs. CNNs excel at handling image data, which is arranged in a grid pattern. Our research explores converting one-dimensional vector data into two-dimensional matrices so that CNNs pre-trained on large image datasets can be applied. We evaluate different methods to input data into standard CNNs by using two-dimensional feature vector formats. In this work, we propose a new method of data restructuring based on a set of wavelet transforms. The robustness of our approach is tested across two benchmark datasets/problems: brown dwarf identification and threshold crossing event (Kepler data) classification. The proposed ensembles produce promising results on both datasets. The MATLAB code of the proposed ensemble is available at https://github.com/LorisNanni/Vector-to-matrix-representation-for-CNN-networks-for-classifying-astronomical-data
Based on the pattern recognition algorithm called fuzzy c-means clustering, grouping of sunspot cycles has been carried out. It is found that, optimally the sunspot cycles can be divided in to two groups; we name it as Large Group and Small Group. Based on the fuzzy membership values the groups are derived. According to our analysis, cycles 1,5,6,7,12,13,14,15,16 and 24 belongs to the Small class, where as cycles 2,3,4,8,9,10,11,17,18,19,20,21,22, and 23 belongs to the Large class. Based on the features of each group and its fuzzy cluster center, prediction of cycle 25 is also been made. Also on the periodicity of the occurrence of the groups, a new cyclic behaviour has been found for the occurrences of the identical sunspot cycles. According to our study Cycle 25 belongs to small class and further we predict that the future cycle up to cycle 32 may fall in small group.
This study presents an advanced machine learning approach to predict the number of sunspots using a comprehensive dataset derived from solar images provided by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The dataset encompasses various spectral bands, capturing the complex dynamics of solar activity and facilitating interdisciplinary analyses with other solar phenomena. We employed five machine learning models: Random Forest Regressor, Gradient Boosting Regressor, Extra Trees Regressor, Ada Boost Regressor, and Hist Gradient Boosting Regressor, to predict sunspot numbers. These models utilized four key heliospheric variables — Proton Density, Temperature, Bulk Flow Speed and Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) — alongside 14 newly introduced topological variables. These topological features were extracted from solar images using different filters, including HMIIGR, HMIMAG, EIT171, EIT195, EIT284, and EIT304. In total, 60 models were constructed, both incorporating and excluding the topological variables. Our analysis reveals that models incorporating the topological variables achieved significantly higher accuracy, with the r2-score improving from approximately 0.30 to 0.93 on average. The Extra Trees Regressor (ET) emerged as the best-performing model, demonstrating superior predictive capabilities across all datasets. These results underscore the potential of combining machine learning models with additional topological features from spectral analysis, offering deeper insights into the complex dynamics of solar activity and enhancing the precision of sunspot number predictions. This approach provides a novel methodology for improving space weather forecasting and contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of solar-terrestrial interactions.