Background: Many medications are low-risk but must undergo the same ordering process as high-risk medications in the inpatient setting. Nurses identify the need for supportive medications and notify providers. An order panel and policy were developed to allow nurses to order low-risk, supportive medications.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to increase order panel utilization from a 6% to a goal of 15%.
Methods: This was a quality improvement study at a 1000-bed academic medical center. Five plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles were implemented. The primary end point was order panel utilization, and secondary end points were individual nursing unit utilization and the number of orders for each medication on the panel.
Results: After each PDSA cycle, order panel utilization improved to 7.8%, 13.2%, 7.5%, 10.2%, and 10.6%, respectively. The units using the order panel most often were general medicine (n = 95, 28%), medical intensive care (n = 71, 21%), and inpatient oncology (n = 40, 12%). The medication most frequently ordered was lanolin alcohols-mineral oil with petrolatum (Eucerin) cream (n = 220, 28%).
Conclusions: Order panel utilization improved from a baseline of 6% to an average of 9.9%. Increasing awareness of the order panel and adding medications will contribute to improvement in order panel utilization in the long-term.