Purpose of review: In this review, the authors discuss the use of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for the treatment of primary and metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
Recent findings: For primary RCC treated with SBRT, local control is estimated at >95%, and grade 3-4 toxicity is limited at ≤5%. The difference in glomerular filtration rate pretreatment versus posttreatment was about 7.7 ml/min. For metastatic RCC treated with SBRT, the 1-year local control is ~90%. The incidence of any grade 3-4 toxicity is ~1%. Several ongoing trials are evaluating SBRT in combination or in lieu of systemic therapy. There are many unknowns remaining in the treatment of RCC, including tumor prognostication, treatment selection, and treatment delivery.
Summary: Stereotactic body radiation therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for patients with primary and metastatic RCC.
Purpose of review: To provide an evidence-based review on the use of corticosteroids for dyspnea in cancer patients.
Recent findings: Corticosteroids are commonly used for palliation of dyspnea; however, there is wide variation in how they are prescribed due to the paucity of high-quality evidence. Some clinicians would offer corticosteroids routinely regardless of the causes of dyspnea, while others would only prescribe corticosteroids selectively for specific indications, such as lymphangitic carcinomatosis, upper airway obstruction, superior vena cava obstruction, and cancer treatment-induced pneumonitis. Few mechanistic studies have been conducted to support the use of corticosteroids in cancer patients. Two double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trials have examined the routine use of high-dose dexamethasone for dyspnea in cancer patients. A pilot study suggested some benefits, but the larger confirmatory trial revealed no improvement compared to the placebo and significantly more adverse events. The selective use of corticosteroids use is only based on observational studies such as case series.
Summary: The unfavorable risk:benefit ratio of high-dose dexamethasone suggests that it should not be routinely prescribed for dyspnea in cancer patients. More research is needed to assess the selective use of corticosteroids and identify patients most likely be benefit from corticosteroid use.
Purpose of review: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common kidney neoplasm. Localized RCC can be cured with nephrectomy. However, a proportion of patients will recur with incurable distant metastatic disease. There is a clear need for treatments to reduce the risk of RCC recurrence and thus improve survival. This review describes the landscape of perioperative therapy for RCC, focusing on more recent trials involving immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs).
Recent findings: ICIs have significantly changed outcomes in advanced RCC. Four trials investigating the role of perioperative ICI for RCC are now reported. Only one trial utilizing adjuvant pembrolizumab (Keynote-564) has shown a disease-free survival benefit in resected RCC.
Summary: Patients with resected RCC should be counselled on their risk of recurrence and the potential option of adjuvant pembrolizumab, recognizing that overall survival data are not yet available.
Purpose of review: Recently, there has been emerging interest in the treatment of primary tumours in metastatic prostate cancer based on major trials that have provided evidence for radiation therapy and cytoreductive radical prostatectomy. Preclinical studies have further established the molecular features of metastatic disease that provide a rationale for primary treatment.
Recent findings: Several randomised controlled trials and other prospective studies have demonstrated a benefit in overall survival, predominantly in low-volume disease. Advancements in precision medicine also offer insight into improving selection, staging and monitoring.
Summary: In this review, the authors highlight and review recent data on emerging and established treatment options and shift towards personalised medicine for hormone-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer.
Purpose of review: This brief critical review evaluates recent research on the impact of anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. In these patients, untreated anxiety and PTSD exacerbate acute symptoms, increase disability and impair quality of life. Therefore, effective interventions are also reviewed.
Recent findings: Anxiety disorders and PTSD are prevalent in COPD and asthma, worsen symptoms in acute exacerbations, and increase morbidity and healthcare utilization. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR), cognitive behavioural therapy and pharmacological therapy are each effective in COPD patients with anxiety or PTSD. However, very little work examined therapy for combined anxiety and PTSD in patients with either COPD or asthma.
Summary: Despite the high prevalence of anxiety disorder or PTSD in patients with chronic respiratory diseases, a paucity of literature remains demonstrating the efficacy of pharmacological therapies for these conditions. This review highlights the promising benefits of PR on anxiety, but prospective trials are needed to demonstrate the efficacy of interventions with PTSD alone, or with concomitant anxiety.
Purpose of the review: To highlight recent advances in effective communication among persons with chronic respiratory diseases. The authors focus on communication science related to goals of care (GOC) discussions, medical devices, and life-sustaining invasive treatments. The authors discuss important considerations when working with individuals with low literacy and rurality. Communication handoffs between respiratory clinicians and/or palliative care to hospice clinicians are summarized to ensure effective person-centered and caregiver-centered care.
Recent findings: Studies suggest the following communication approaches: (1) clarify differences between palliative and end of life; (2) conduct conversations early and gradual throughout the illness trajectory; (3) distinguish types of GOC discussions as they relate to treatment preferences; (4) for patients from rural communities, include family members and spiritual leaders; (5) assess literacy and employ supportive strategies; (6) apply time-limited-trial framework for life-sustaining treatment (LST) decisions; and (7) standardize processes for communication handoffs to hospice clinicians to improve communication fidelity.
Summary: Effective communication tools for clinicians to engage in GOC discussions for persons with chronic respiratory diseases are grounded in a patient-centered framework. A trained clinician should lead these conversations and include interdisciplinary team members throughout the disease trajectory including at the end of life. These approaches may enable patients to express their values and care preferences as they evolve over time.
Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care was launched in 2007. It is one of a successful series of review journals whose unique format is designed to provide a systematic and critical assessment of the literature as presented in the many primary journals. The fields of supportive and palliative care are divided into 12 sections that are reviewed once a year. Each section is assigned a Section Editor, a leading authority in the area, who identifies the most important topics at that time. Here we are pleased to introduce the Journal's Section Editors for this issue.
Purpose of review: Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR) is a novel and effective treatment for a specific phenotype of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) characterized by advanced emphysema with static lung hyperinflation and severe breathlessness. This review aims to provide an overview of the recent advances made in BLVR.
Recent findings: For achieving optimal outcomes with BLVR, patient selection and target lobe identification is crucial. BLVR has recently also been established to improve pulmonary function, exercise capacity and quality of life in COPD patients falling outside the standard treatment criteria, including patients with moderate hyperinflation, chronic hypercapnic failure or with very low diffusion capacity. In a cluster analysis, target lobe characteristics like emphysema destruction, air trapping and perfusion were found to be important discriminators between responders and non-responders. A potential survival benefit has been demonstrated in BLVR-treated patients when compared to non-treated patients. Long-term outcomes showed sustained outcomes of BLVR; however, effects decline over time, probably due to disease progression.
Summary: BLVR using one-way endobronchial valves has become a guideline treatment offered in specialized intervention centres for a specific subgroup of COPD patients. Recent studies further characterize responders, describe extrapulmonary effects of BLVR and show positive long-term outcomes and a potential survival benefit.