Land grant universities in the Northeast (e.g. Delaware, Maryland, New York) have seen changes in their faculty or Extension level positions: Agricultural safety specialist positions have been left vacant or have been merged with another position with other responsibilities, which reduces the amount of time available to address safety. In response to the resulting support gap, Penn State Ag Safety and Health and the Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety (NEC) launched the Northeast Agricultural Safety and Health Coalition (NEASHC) in 2014. NEASHC provides extension staff and other individuals interested in safety trainings (e.g. insurers, Farm Bureau staff) with opportunities to network and learn about best practices in agricultural health and safety training. Recognizing the importance of NEASHC's role in filling this service gap in the Northeast, the NEC included support for NEASHC in its last 5-year grant cycle (2016-2022) and has continued its support for the Coalition in their current five-year center grant (2022-2027). The NEC center grant is funded by National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) Grant #2 U54OH007542. NEASHC is an important component of the NEC's unified approach to worker health and safety, which is based in part on G. Sorensen's conceptual model for integrated approaches to the protection and promotion of worker safety.1 The goals for NEASHC through 2027 are as follows: expand the Coalition's reach by adding states and members; provide professional development to members; (3) offer mini-grants for outreach projects and activities; (4) develop and disseminate new resources; and (5) provide occupational safety and health (OSH) updates for agricultural populations.