For detection of infectious diseases, several point-of-care (POC) tests are on the market in addition to methods performed in commercial laboratories. These POC tests are based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or other immunochromatographic technologies and present results within few minutes in veterinary practice. This article gives an overview of the utility of numerous POC tests of different manufacturers for detection of parvovirus antigen in feces, Dirofilaria (D.) immitis antigen in blood as well as antibodies against Borrelia (B.) burgdorferi, Anaplasma (A.) spp., Ehrlichia (E.) spp., Leptospira (L.) spp. and Leishmania (L.) infantum in blood (single or in different combinations). Sensitivity and specificity of these tests are important for their usefulness in veterinary practice. Furthermore, presence of antibodies or detection of antigen has to correlate with the presence of clinical signs. POC tests for detection of canine parvovirus antigen have a very high specificity, the sensitivity of all evaluated POC tests, however, is very low. POC tests for detection of D. immitis antigen have a very high sensitivity and specificity. As they detect antigen from the uterus of female adult parasites, test results are negative when only very few female or only male adults are present. POC tests for detection of antibodies against B. burgdorferi only indicate contact with Borrelia spp. and do not prove clinical Lyme disease, as the infection only extremely rarely causes clinical signs. POC tests for detection of antibodies against A. phagocytophilum are also not suitable for diagnosis of clinical anaplasmosis. Infections with A. phagocytophilum only lead to clinical disease in very rare cases and in these, clinical signs occur before the development of antibodies. POC tests for detection of antibodies against E. canis have a very high sensitivity as well as specificity. POC tests for detection of antibodies against L. infantum and Leptospira species (spp.) show a very high specificity and a high sensitivity. However, Leptospira spp. antibody-positive results may occur following vaccination, as the POC tests cannot distinguish between field and vaccination strains.