Introduction: Thyrotoxicosis is associated with a hypercoagulable state, increasing the risk of thrombotic events like CVST. Literature review reveals thyroid hormone's role in promoting prothrombotic abnormalities, impacting coagulation factors and platelet function.
Case report: This study explores the rare occurrence of thyroid storm complicated by deep cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) in a young male with no prior history of thyroid disease. Our case emphasizes the importance of considering thyroid disease, including thyroid storm, in patients who present with acute neurological symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism.
Conclusions: Multidisciplinary management is crucial for optimizing outcomes in both thyroid storm and neurological complications, with collaborative efforts from emergency physicians, endocrinologists, neurologists, and critical care specialists. This study underscores the need for increased awareness and timely intervention in complex presentations of thyroid dysfunction, urging further investigation into underlying mechanisms and therapeutic strategies to enhance patient care and prognosis in such critical scenarios.