Background: The video head impulse test (vHIT) is a common assessment of semicircular canal function during high-speed impulses. Reliability of the vHIT for assessing vertical semicircular canals is uncertain. Vertical head impulses require a complex head movement, making it difficult to isolate a single semicircular canal and interpret resulting eye rotations.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to provide descriptive head kinematics and vestibular stimuli during vertical plane impulses to ultimately improve impulse delivery and interpretation of vHIT results for vertical semicircular canals.
Methods: Six participants received right anterior (RA) and left posterior (LP) semicircular canal impulses. Linear displacements, rotational displacements, and rotational velocities of the head were measured. Peak velocities in semicircular canal planes and peak-to-peak gravitoinertial accelerations at the otolith organs were derived from head kinematics.
Results: The largest rotational velocities occurred in the target semicircular canal plane, with non-negligible velocities occurring in non-target planes. Larger vertical displacements and accelerations occurred on the right side of the head compared to the left for RA and LP impulses.
Conclusions: These results provide a foundation for designing protocols to optimize stimulation applied to a singular vertical semicircular canal and for interpreting results from the vHIT for vertical semicircular canals.