Background: A method for prescribing the difficulty or intensity of standing balance exercises has been validated in a healthy population, but requires additional validation in individuals with vestibular disorders.
Objective: This study validated the use of ratings of perceived difficulty for estimation of balance exercise intensity in individuals with vestibular disorders.
Methods: Eight participants with a confirmed diagnosis of a vestibular disorder and 16 healthy participants performed two sets of 16 randomized static standing exercises across varying levels of difficulty. Root Mean Square (RMS) of trunk angular velocity was recorded using an inertial measurement unit. In addition, participants rated the perceived difficulty of each exercise using a numerical scale ranging from 0 (very easy) to 10 (very difficult). To explore the concurrent validity of rating of perceived difficulty scale, the relationship between ratings of perceived difficulty and sway velocity was assessed using multiple linear regression for each group.
Results: The rating of perceived difficulty scale demonstrated moderate positive correlations RMS of trunk velocity in the pitch (r = 0.51, p < 0.001) and roll (r = 0.73, p < 0.001) directions in participants with vestibular disorders demonstrating acceptable concurrent validity.
Conclusions: Ratings of perceived difficulty can be used to estimate the intensity of standing balance exercises in individuals with vestibular disorders.
Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) could influence peripheral vestibular function adversely via intermittent hypoxia and its consequences.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the risk of peripheral vestibular disorders in OSA using a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study.
Methods: The National Health Insurance Service-National Sample Cohort represents the entire Korean population from 2002 to 2015. OSA was defined as individuals who had used medical services twice or more under a diagnosis of OSA(G47.33 in ICD-10). A comparison cohort consisted of socio-demographically matched non-OSA subjects in a ratio of 1:4. The incidences of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV), Meniere's disease, and vestibular neuritis were evaluated in each cohort.
Results: A total of 2,082 individuals with OSA and 8,328 matched non-OSA subjects were identified. The incidence rates(IRs) of peripheral vertigo in OSA and non-OSA were 149.86 and 23.88 per 10,000 persons, respectively (Ratio of IR, IRR = 6.28, 95%CI 4.89 to 8.08). In multivariable analysis, the risk of peripheral vertigo was significantly higher in OSA(adjusted HR = 6.64, 95%CI 5.20 to 8.47), old age(adjusted HR = 1.03, 95%CI 1.02 to 1.04), female sex(adjusted HR = 1.92, 95%CI 1.48 to 2.50), and comorbidities(adjusted HR = 1.09, 95%CI 1.003 to 1.19). The IRRs of each vestibular disorder in the two groups were 7.32(95%CI 4.80 to 11.33) for BPPV, 3.61(95%CI 2.24 to 5.81) for Meniere's disease, and 9.51(95%CI 3.97 to 25.11) for vestibular neuritis.
Conclusions: Subjects diagnosed with OSA had a higher incidence of peripheral vestibular disorders than those without OSA, according to national administrative claims data. It is recommended to take peripheral vertigo into account when counseling OSA.
Background: Unapparent saccades in video head impulse test (vHIT) are usually present in Meniere's disease (MD) patients but tend to be ignored by the clinician. The result of vHIT is constantly questioned in MD patients due to a lack of uniform metrics. A more effective indicator is needed for indicating MD's pathological progress.
Objectives: To get a comprehensive understanding of the nature and usability of saccades in different MD stages.
Methods: 118 patients diagnosed with unilateral MD were recruited in this study. Patient history, audiological examination, caloric test, vHIT were performed. We proposed 'raw saccades' to represent all showed wave peaks behind the head peak and named saccades by their appearance sequence: 1st saccade, 2nd saccade and 3rd saccade. An exploratory saccade analysis was executed to investigate the effectiveness of saccade attributes in identifying MD stages.
Results: MD patients have greater detectable 1st saccade than PR score as well as 2nd saccade. The time and velocity of the 1st saccade show high interaural variability (p = 0.028, p = 0.000 respectively). No statistical difference concerning the vHIT gain, PR score and 2nd saccade among stages could be recognized on both affected and contralateral sides. Multiple comparisons show the affected 1st saccade velocity and affected 1st saccade absolute velocity have stage-difference. At late stages (3&4), the affected 1st saccade is manifested as a speed increase, and this measure shows a relatively high correlation with MD stages compared to other vestibular indicators.
Conclusion: The 1st saccade velocity on the affected side could indicate the MD disease process and severity.
The percept of vertical, which mainly relies on vestibular and visual cues, is known to be affected after sustained whole-body roll tilt, mostly at roll positions adjacent to the position of adaptation. Here we ask whether the viewing of panoramic visual cues during the adaptation further influences the percept of the visual vertical. Participants were rotated in the frontal plane to a 90° clockwise tilt position, which was maintained for 4-minutes. During this period, the subject was either kept in darkness, or viewed panoramic pictures that were either veridical (aligned with gravity) or oriented along the body longitudinal axis. Errors of the subsequent subjective visual vertical (SVV), measured at various tilt angles, showed that the adaptation effect of panoramic cues is local, i.e. for a narrow range of tilts in the direction of the adaptation angle. This distortion was found irrespective of the orientation of the panoramic cues. We conclude that sustained exposure to panoramic and vestibular cues does not adapt the subsequent percept of vertical to the direction of the panoramic cue. Rather, our results suggest that sustained panoramic cues affect the SVV by an indirect effect on head orientation, with a 90° periodicity, that interacts with a vestibular cue to determine the percept of vertical.
Background: Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD) is a chronic functional disorder which interferes with the way individuals experience their personal, social and work life.
Objective: To study the impact of disease duration in PPPD on the quality of life (QOL), dizziness handicap and mental health on the patients.
Methods: A prospective study comparing the EQ-5D for QOL, Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and DASS-21 between 27 patients with PPPD and 27 of those who have recovered from an acute vestibular event. Similar parameters between PPPD patients with symptoms less than one year and more than a year were compared.
Results: The PPPD patients were predominantly females and middle-aged with significantly higher DHI scores (mean 48.3 + 25.7, p = 0.00002), higher total mean scores in the DASS-21 (mean 21.6 + 13.7, p = 0.009) and poorer QOL with mean EQ-5D VAS of 67.9 + 17.3 (p < 0.00001). PPPD patients with symptoms for more than a year had significant increase in physical handicap (p = 0.041) as well as anxiety levels (p = 0.008).
Conclusions: PPPD is predominantly seen in females and middle-aged which significantly reduces the QOL, increases dizziness handicap and increases depression, anxiety and stress levels. The increase in duration of illness further increases the anxiety levels and physical handicap.
This paper describes the Bárány Society Classification OverSight Committee (COSC) position on Cervical Dizziness, sometimes referred to as Cervical Vertigo. This involved an initial review by a group of experts across a broad range of fields, and then subsequent review by the Bárány Society COSC. Based upon the so far published literature, the Bárány Society COSC takes the view that the evidence supporting a mechanistic link between an illusory sensation of self-motion (i.e. vertigo - spinning or otherwise) and neck pathology and/or symptoms of neck pain - either by affecting the cervical vertebrae, soft tissue structures or cervical nerve roots - is lacking. When a combined head and neck movement triggers an illusory sensation of spinning, there is either an underlying common vestibular condition such as migraine or BPPV or less commonly a central vestibular condition including, when acute in onset, dangerous conditions (e.g. a dissection of the vertebral artery with posterior circulation stroke and, exceedingly rarely, a vertebral artery compression syndrome). The Committee notes, that migraine, including vestibular migraine, is by far, the commonest cause for the combination of neck pain and vestibular symptoms. The committee also notes that since head movement aggravates symptoms in almost any vestibular condition, the common finding of increased neck muscle tension in vestibular patients, may be linked as both cause and effect, to reduced head movements. Additionally, there are theoretical mechanisms, which have not been explored, whereby cervical pain may promote vaso-vagal, cardio-inhibitory reflexes and hence by presyncopal mechanisms, elicit transient disorientation and/or imbalance. The committee accepts that further research is required to answer the question as to whether those rare cases in which neck muscle spasm is associated with a vague sense of spatial disorientation and/or imbalance, is indeed linked to impaired neck proprioception. Future studies should ideally be placebo controlled and double-blinded where possible, with strict inclusion and exclusion criteria that aim for high specificity at the cost of sensitivity. To facilitate further studies in "cervical dizziness/vertigo", we provide a narrative view of the important confounds investigators should consider when designing controlled mechanistic and therapeutic studies. Hence, currently, the Bárány COSC refrains from proposing any preliminary diagnostic criteria for clinical use outside a research study. This position may change as new research evidence is provided.
Background: In adults, vestibular loss is associated with cognitive deficits; however, similar relationships have not been studied in children.
Objective: Evaluate the effect of vestibular loss on working memory and executive function in children with a cochlear implant (CCI) compared to children with normal hearing (CNH).
Methods: Vestibular evoked myogenic potential, video head impulse, rotary chair, and balance testing; and the following clinical measures: vision, hearing, speech perception, language, executive function, and working memory.
Results: Thirty-eight CNH and 37 CCI participated (26 with normal vestibular function, 5 with unilateral vestibular loss, 6 with bilateral vestibular loss). Children with vestibular loss demonstrated the poorest balance performance. There was no significant reduction in working memory or executive function performance for either CCI group with vestibular loss; however, multivariate regression analysis suggested balance performance was a significant predictor for several working memory subtests and video head impulse gain was a significant predictor for one executive function outcome.
Conclusions: CCI with vestibular loss did not have significantly reduced working memory or executive function; however, balance performance was a significant predictor for several working memory subtests. Degree of hearing loss should be considered, and larger sample sizes are needed.
Background: People with vestibular disorders experience symptoms which put them at risk of reduced wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Objective: To assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on vestibular symptoms, access to healthcare and daily activities amongst people living with a vestibular disorder.
Methods: An online survey was completed by 124 people in the UK with a vestibular disorder. The survey incorporated the Vertigo Symptom Scale-Short Form and questions regarding health status, healthcare received, daily activities and employment during Covid-19.
Results: The Covid-19 pandemic affected perceptions of wellbeing. 54.1% rated their health as worse now than before the pandemic. Vertigo, unsteadiness, dizziness, tinnitus, loss of concentration/memory, and headaches were the most exacerbated symptoms. Respondents reported changes to their daily activities including reduced social contact (83%) and exercise (54.3%). Some experienced healthcare delays or received a remote appointment. Remote care was perceived as convenient, but barriers included difficulty communicating, trouble concentrating and perceived unsuitability for initial appointments. Unintended benefits of the pandemic included less social pressure, avoiding busy environments, and engaging in self-care.
Conclusion: The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are diverse. Clinical services should be mindful that Covid-19 can exacerbate vestibular and allied neuropsychiatric symptoms that require acute, multi-disciplinary intervention, but not lose sight of the potential benefit and cost saving associated with promoting self-management and delivering remote care, especially post-diagnosis.
Background: Current Bárány Society criteria for vestibular migraine (VM) include only episodic symptoms. Anecdotal observations suggest that some patients have episodic forms and others have chronic forms of VM, with interplay and evolution of both subtypes over time.
Objective: To better understand VM subtypes and evaluate a more inclusive diagnostic schema.
Methods: Four VM groups were studied: definite episodic (dVM), probable episodic (pVM), definite chronic (dCVM), and probable chronic (pCVM). Chronic VM was defined as having more than 15 dizzy days per month. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were analyzed, along with Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and Vestibular Migraine Patient Assessment Tool and Handicap Inventory (VM-PATHI) scores.
Results: 54 adults with a mean age of 47.0 years (SD 13.7) were enrolled. 10 met criteria for dVM, 11 pVM, 22 dCVM, and 11 pCVM. Overall, there were strong similarities in clinical characteristics between dVM, pVM, dCVM, and pCVM. Compared to subjects with episodic VM, those with chronic VM had a higher average number of VM triggers (8.7 vs. 6.4, P = 0.019), including motion (93.9% vs. 66.7%, P = 0.009), scrolling on a screen (78.8% vs. 47.6%, P = 0.018), skipped meal (57.6% vs. 23.8%, P = 0.015), and air travel (57.6% vs. 23.8%, P = 0.015). They also had higher symptom severity (DHI = 53.3, P = 0.194) and burden of disease (VM-PATHI = 48.2, P = 0.030) scores.
Conclusions: Many patients do not meet current Bárány Society criteria for VM based on their duration of vestibular symptoms. Yet, these patients with chronic VM endorse several indistinguishable symptoms from those who do meet criteria. A more inclusive diagnostic schema should be adopted where patients with vestibular symptoms shorter than 5 minutes or longer than 72 hours are also recognized as having VM.